Alex Jones #fundie

After describing the Orlando massacre as a false flag attack, Alex Jones said that the LGBT community is to blame for the deadly terrorist attack at the gay nightclub.

Jones, a close ally of Donald Trump, was particularly angry that President Obama addressed the fact that the assault was directed at LGBT people, claiming that the community frequently hypes the threat of anti-LGBT violence in order to take control of the education system “so you can sexualize my children and indoctrinate them into your cult.”

LGBT leaders, he said, have backed liberal policies that led to the Orlando attack: “I charge the left and I charge Obama and I charge the LGBT community in general with endangering America and with the blood of these fifty-plus innocent men and women who did not deserve to die, who did not deserve to have bullets fired into them and all the other hundreds of thousands of other liberals and gays and others in the Middle East that have been murdered in the last five years under the Al Qaeda/ISIS onslaught that our government and CNN has pushed and said is a good thing.”



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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