Wearing all black as a teenager is suggestive of anti-Christian beliefs. Other examples in this entry illustrate that. I welcome more evidence, but am not going to play dumb amid liberal denial by others.
Your entry that you link above takes a small step towards the truth, yet ignores how deadly anti-Christian animus is, and how many self-described atheists suffer from it. It's not a mental illness, but a belief system that results from being misled.
Or it hides all kinds of spills and stains, so, it's, you know, PRACTICAL for those of us who're clumsy eaters.
And black is fucking classy -- goes with everything.
ETA: Whoops, that was me, WMDKitty.
but am not going to play dumb amid liberal denial by others.
Come on, Andy, you're not really playing, are you?
I knew lots of Christian goths in high school. I call bullshit.
Some days I wear black. Some days I don't. Does that mean I waver between evil and not-evil? What about ladies who wear the "little black dress" at a fancy party? Is that anti-Christian? It's all black! What if the teen is wearing all black because they're playing a Puritan settler in a school play? For that matter, what about all those Puritan teenagers 300 years ago?
@ GodotIsWaiting4U - Malcolm reference = win.
Seriously, though, has nobody told Andy that black is slimming? Or that Little Black Dresses are timeless classics for a completely non-evil reason? Or that it's practical, unlike white which would be stained within ten minutes of putting it on?
Not to mention the eight billion examples given so far, such as preachers and vicars. Though I suspect nuns and priests simply prove that Black Clothing = Evil, considering they're Satanic Catholics and all.
I swear, this fucker boggles the mind every time he gets quoted here.
As mentioned, both priests and nuns wear (almost) all black, but...aren't most bibles "clothed" in black covers?
OMG! Teh bibble is teh EVIL!!
"Wearing all black as a teenager is suggestive of anti-Christian beliefs."
Which is why all those people at Christian funerals do it. Oh, wait...
"Other examples in this entry illustrate that. I welcome more evidence, but am not going to play dumb amid liberal denial by others."
Come now, Andy. Nobody plays dumb that well.
"Your entry that you link above takes a small step towards the truth, yet ignores how deadly anti-Christian animus is, and how many self-described atheists suffer from it. It's not a mental illness, but a belief system that results from being misled."
Define this "belief system" for me. That way we can all see that you don't have a fucking clue. Not that we can't now, but it would be a good laugh anyway.
Isn't black usually taken in religious circles to be a sign of modesty?
Then again, you're a fundamentalist. You WANT to shove how faithful you are down our throats.
"Kids who wear all black scare me, Mama. Waaaaa!"
@ Elia, the day-glo orange jumpsuit outfit comes with handcuffs and manacles... A good idea, imo.
"Wearing all black as a teenager is suggestive of anti-Christian beliefs"
Or a fan of the "Matrix" films. Or a Suigintou cosplayer. Or a number of other reasons.
...or simply one who follows a particular fashion. And if they happen to be Goths, then that's up to them. Unlike right-wing fundies, Goths are some of the nicest, most decent, and highly educated people you could care to meet.
With emphasis on highly educated. As in well read (after all, those Edgar Allen Poe/Mary Shelley/etc books won't read themselves!). If anything, it's not they who are the misled ones. And they've most probably read the Bible.
You do the maths, Andy.
And the late great Johnny Cash had the nickname 'The Man in Black'. Even Stevie Wonder could figure out why . He was a Christian.
Your call, Andy Schaftafly.
You know, in the Middle East, when the Bible was first written and Jesus was alive, black was considered a holy color representing life, as it was considered to be the color of humor that kept our hearts beating. Therefore, wearing black was originally a color representing faithfulness and piousness, and so lots of young people were required to wear it.
Just blew your fucking mind, huh?
Andy also believes that using "British spelling" is a form of "liberal bias" and "anti-Americanism".
Andy is a deep cover liberal. He did a good job trolling everyone, but he gave himself away with that "Bible Re Translation Project".
I wear all black at work, wanna know why?
Because dark colors attract heat, and it gets mighty cold riding a forklift around outside all winter long, i'll take all the heat i can get.
And I look pretty damned shnazzy in my carharts uniform.
Where in the bible does it state believers need to be morons again?
az teenajuz wee ownlee wer blac wen wee go too fjoonrulz if wee axseedentlee kil sumwun bi axseedent. wee think u ar stupid coz mi dadee sez u ar a moron. if u cum bi wer i liv i wil bash u up.Droolella wonzta no if u wanna drool seshun an i can sho u mi rocz.
luv an hugz, Droolella. fuc of, Grunter.
The article is on "young Mass Murderers."
Andy was asked "Is there any proof, that is not just a claim, that Tim Kretschmer was an atheist or naturalist or anti-semitist or anti-christian?"
Got that? The proof that Tim Kretschmer was an atheist is that he wore black. I myself am not wearing black at the moment.
Speaking of being misled, have you seen the crap that's on conservapedia?
Oh you put it there? Never mind.
Umm, no.
Good amount of my family wears black, sometimes all black. They aren't goths, they just happen to work in professions that deal with dyes and materials that stain fabric easily.
I have a friend who is a strong christian, goes to a private christian school, and wears tons of black. I'd say she'd like a word with you, but I wouldn't want to waste her time like that.
I wore all black in my teens...it was the winter uniform for the Navy. We called them the Black Barts or the Crackerjacks.
My son works backstage in theatre and has been wearing all-black for years, so he doesn't stand out in the background if he needs to fix something during a performance.
So, making-shit-up-for-Jesus is still in fashion, I guess.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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