Godspeed: I do not see how that translates to "Be good." Go in safety, maybe.
All Hallow's Eve/Halloween: Formerly known as Solstice, Harvest Festival, Feast of the Dead, Feast of Stavros, All Saint's Day, The Trickster's Night. Few of which ever had anything to do with God or the Devil for that matter.
Resurrection Sunday/Easter: I am not aware of it ever being referred to as such. Not even in the freaking Bible. You could have argued more about the stupid bunny and not looked so bad. (I could always be wrong, it's been a while since I read it in depth.) I've never understood why it is not set on a specific date if it's to mark the "historical" resurrection of Christ.
Thanksgiving/Turkey Day: Considering the Canadian date is closer to the actual reprovisions by Natives as a kindness to the early expiditions and the fact that this kindness was thanked with conquest calling it Thanksgiving and sticking a little baby Jesus on your table despite having nothing to do with the occasion is downright insulting.
God Bless You/Gesundheit: I'm not even religious and I say 'Bless You' out of habit when someone sneezes. (Edit) I stand corrected. My apologies to any I have offended with my sorry-ass secondhand understanding of the German language.
Jesus!: You'd rather we continue saying it as a curse word? I'd have figured you'd appreciate curbing the blasphemy.
Abomination/Mistake: Nobody calls screwing up an order of coffee an abomination, that is clearly a mistake. (Unless it's decaf, some would argue that is an abomination.) Abomination implies something impossible to nature. But as somebody smarter than you once said, "If it happens in the natural world, how exactly can it be unnatural?"
Abortion/Birth Control: Abortion is not birth control. Contraceptives are birth control. Only a fucking moron or a fundie confuses abortion for a contraceptive option.
Anti-Christian Bigotry/Separation of Church and State: It's not just your religion seperated from dominating the lives of others you self-important windbag. It was the control of the Church that prompted most pilgrims to flee Europe, particularly the Vatican's ability to overrule a king. This is what caused the split between the Catholic and Protestant Churches and several holy wars.
Anti-life: Didn't we just cover this?
Founders/Dead White Men: Though I've never heard of them referred to as such for all the things they said and did are *really* worth to you people they might as well be. Their quotes are revised more often than the rules to tabletop games, usually to promote 'traditional' values.
Heathen/Multiculturalism: Excuse me? We both live in nations built with sweat and blood from every other country in existence. It is especially sickening to know that 'heathens' includes the roots of your religion and it's offshoots that are born of alternate interpretations of the same text.
Heavenly/Beautiful: Again, wouldn't you find comparing anything in the mortal realm to God's kingdom blasphemous? That aside the focus on divine retribution, wrath, and bloodshed paints a picture of heaven that is far from beautiful.
Heresy/Science: I suppose you'd rather we didn't cure smallpox and kept cutting ourselves to throw the devil out when we got sick then? I suppose you'd prefer if Christians continued to think the world was flat and kept to their own lands to avoid sailing off the edge. I suppose you'd prefer to die at 40 like they did way back in the day when the word of God was absolute and more than enough reason to burn, strangle, defenstrate, and drown people just to prove they *didn't* make a deal with the devil? Not even an apology to your next of kin if you were 'proved' innocent.
Mankind/Humankind: It takes two to propagate a species. Should we ever encounter aliens it might cause confusion to refer to our race exclusively with a male descriptor.
Possessed/Crazy: That's because demonic possession is not the cause of ADD, post traumatic stress, schizophrenia, and disassociative disorders. Splashing holy water on people isn't going to make them any less crazy. It just means the one doing the splashing needs therapy too.
Pro-abortion: Didn't we cover this twice?
Sex before marriage: How about calling it "What everyone did before it became legal for commoners to marry?" or maybe the less technical "How Adam and Eve consumated their relationship seeing as nobody declared them husband and wife?"
Sin/Crimes: The word sin denotes an act that harms oneself in a way only the Divine is fit to judge. A crime is something that affects society and therefore other humans can judge and punish it accordingly.
Soul/Spirit: We still use both. The Bible uses both. I don't see why you included it.
With Child/Pregnant: Ditto, although I suppose you prefer this term to stress that you believe a fetus alive and aware no matter it's stage of development or whether that development is viable even in a life-threatened scenario.
Christian Name/Given Name: Not everyone is Christian you putz. In fact, many people had to change their names to something vaugely Christian-sounding in the early days of colonization in order to be granted citizenship making their Given Name and their Christian Name two different things entirely as well as making their new identity something of a lie.