Anonymous Coward #conspiracy
Scalia asphyxiated by muslim secret service agent
Calling card left - perfectly left sheets, pajamas, pillow over head and indication of muslim brotherhood. Cannot post source out of fear from my government but u will see it shortly. The JPs were called away for the weekend necessitating call to far away JP. Marshalls disuaded visit for confirm of death, giving cause over phone. This is Obama's horsehead in the bed to Trump, being done on the eve of repub debate - if we can get to Scalia we can get to you. Secret service protection means nothing. Expect Trump now to either double down, or let up on Obama and withdraw. If Trump continues on, it is all out war between TPTB and him. If so, hope he has his personal security overlooking the SS, as I'm sure he trusts them more. You would not believe what is being circulated here in the press, it would boggle ur mind. Sorry that I cannot post without fear from gov but it is the way it is. The US govt is the biggest most corrupt crime organization in the history of the world. Trump is ur only hope, assuming he somehow gets past the corruption alive.