It's [Talk Origins] the Unbible of the ETBs. Whenever a point is raised for which they don't have a pre-programmed response, they turn to TO to see what they're supposed to think and say. It reminds me of the JWs relying on the Watchtower for their doctrines.
<p>The evowackos are biologically incapable of independent thought. They have a group mentality. They recite their "arguments" with all the spontaneity and individualism of a voicemail system.
<p>For Invoking Natural Selection As The Way To Avoid Dealing Intellectually With Inescapable Mathematical Impossibilities, press or say 1.
<p>For Random Genetic Mutations Turning One Primitive Lifeform Into All Life On Earth In A Pathetically Inadequate Billion Years, press or say 2.
<p>For New Ways To Launch Scathing Ad-Hominem Attacks on Creationists To Divert Attention From Your Own Egregious Stupidity, press or say 3.
<p>For Emergency Instructions On How To Respond To Having The Living Shit Blown Out Of Your Standard Arguments, press or say 4.
<p>For Other Mountains Of Harebrained Pseudoscientific Bullshit To Be Chanted Religiously By Mind-Numbed ETBs, press or say TO.
<p>TO is a bad joke.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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