Peter Labarbera #fundie
I realize I’m entering dream-world here, but there are so many other important “social issues” questions the Fox News team could have been asked at the Fox debates, for example:
Do you think it’s right that the votes of millions of Americans to preserve natural man-woman marriage–in some red states by landslide margins as high as 75-80 percent—were cast aside by five Supreme Court justices? Don’t the votes of “We the People” matter?
What will you do to reign in SCOTUS power and what sort of judges will you appoint as president?
What do you think about the Boy Scouts’ recent decision to allow adult homosexual Scoutmasters—even though the Scouts have been sued by victims from the numerous predator “perversion” scandals in which adult male Scout leaders molested boys in their care?
To Chris Christie: are you concerned that the bill you signed into law in New Jersey banning ex-”gay” “Reparative Therapy” for minors abridges individual freedom and parental rights?
What will you do to make it more difficult for American youth to access pornography, which is ravaging our nation, corrupting our souls and putting young women (and men) at risk?
Should God bless America when Americans cavalierly ignore the Creator’s moral law and embrace sins (e.g., homosexuality, pornography, fornication and abortion) in the name of civil- and constitutional “rights”?