Oh friend, you know as well as I do, that atheists who claim to have read the Bible, really haven't thoroughly read the Bible
Oh friend, you know as well as I do, that christians who claim to follow the Bible, really haven't thoroughly read the Bible
""Nuh-uh!" really isn't a particularly good method of argument there, Dave."
Then why do I see it on here all the time?
We Atheists have read the Bible: Properly.
Strange then, that Isaac Asimov wasn't a paedophile: unlike you , Davey-boy.
Should tell you something of our morality. Certainly what we Atheists base ours on.
@Thinking Allowed
"...and have read a lot more of it than Dave."
Or Jerry.
But then, paedos of a feather nonce together, eh Jer...?
Oh friend, you know as well as I do, that Fundies who claim to have read the Bible, really haven't thoroughly read the Bible
Not only have they read it, some of the more prominent atheists have read in in the original Hebrew and Greek, traveled in the Near East, etc.
Besides quite bit of reading various sections of, when I was having my personal "crisis of faith", I read the B. cover to cover twice, two different translations. When I was through I realized what the problem was. I didn't believe any of that crap.( I don't know that reading the B. backwards would reduce it's overall manifestness.)
atheists who claim to have read the Bible, really haven't thoroughly read the Bible
Hmm, while I haven't read it cover to cover and certainly don't want to waste my time doing so, I do have one up on Brother David: I've read large portions of the Old Testament in the original Hebrew and at least the four gospels and Acts in the original Greek. I bet David can't lay that claim.
I'll admit I haven't really read it all.
Now you admit that there are many Atheist who know it better than you. Extensive polls have found this, as fundies, like Jerry (Who been caught several times here with his abysmal Biblical knowledge) and you Dave know very little of it, fundie churches avoid most of it and fundie preachers and flocks seem to mainly operate on spoken Dogma and RightWing political idealism.
I have multiple Bibles, different versions, and have read them all front-to-back multiple times.
You're the ones who only memorise a handful of out-of-context passages, usually misinterpreting them.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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