James F #fundie rawstory.com

I bet you did not know 3 jews carried 2000 bodies with canes out of the gas champers to be feed into a 4 1man ovens. Not logical in the time frame they had. So many other things just did not add up if you used your brain. You're believing an american government and the jews. The holocaust was to obtain palestine. These same people started off in turkey where they massacred 2million albanians and displaced them from their homeland. Then they went to russia and had the royal family killed, got booted out of russia then made it to germany withe same intentions they had for every other place the went through. DESTRUCTION. Now those sa me jews are sitting here in the united states running the world and the information, and literally changing "rewriting" history as they see fit to. I really really suggest you do research on jewish people and their lies.



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