Jude-11 #fundie prophecyfellowship.org

When an Atheist states that there is “No God”, I as a Christian and lover of the creative processes of God would have to agree. You see as much as and Atheist wants to be an Atheist, the premise of their argument makes them exactly what they really are: A- theist. Which leads me to believe that there are none of them!

Let me explain. The number Zero is immensely interesting just in and of itself. Saying “the number Zero” is very much akin to saying that “there is NO God”, do to the fact that Zero of its own admission is seen as the absence of numbers, however can’t be described as anything but, and its implied non-existence can’t be explained if it, and numbers, don’t exist. So in order for there to be “No” numbers, numbers have to exist, without which there would be no Zero, of which numbers it is One, as God is one, or Zero



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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