This guy, David J. Stewart, is a very legalistic modern day pharisee. He attacks any born again Christian who doesn't dress the way he dresses, believe the exact theology he believes, and listens to the music he listens to. In fact, this hypocrite actually criticized himself without even knowing it. Here is a direct quote from David J. Stewart, on his own website, criticizing a fan of Kirk Cameron:
"Now this statement came from one of the followers of Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron!!! Something is wrong! It's obvious that this man is not saved, for he is attacking Bible-believing Christians who expose false religion, as being "unChristian.""
HELLOOOOOO! That's exactly what YOU do, David J. Stewart! You modern day pharisee! Maybe, then, its YOU who isn't saved because YOU only believe in the King James version of the Word of God and not the original Greek text!!!! YOU, then, must be a heretic, you follower of the King James version of the bible! And because YOU don't dress in a sack cloth robe and wear sandals and eat figs, then YOU must not be a true follower of Christ! Unlike Christ, David J. Stewart judges a man by the way he dresses. God judges a man by the condition of his heart! Maybe if David J. Stewart wasn't so busy criticizing other believers in Christ, he could actually witness to the unbelievers he refuses to associate with. According to david j. stewart, God is too small to use Hollywood or the music industry to spread the gospel. That's funny. I remember reading in the bible that God took a Jewish man named Saul, who zealously persecuted and stoned Christians, and transformed him into a humble yet powerful apostle of Christ Jesus, named Paul, who went around preaching the gospel of Christ! But, I guess that never really happened because I read that in the NIV translation of the bible instead of the King James version. I wouldn't be surprised if david j. stewart believes that the only person that is going to Heaven is himself! I urge all those heretic "fake" Christians out there to join me in praying for david j. stewart. So, turn off your satanic Toby Mack cd, and put your satanic Passion of the Christ movie on pause, and put down your satanic NIV, or NLT, or NSRV bible, get down on your knees in your satanic blue jeans and t-shirt, and let's pray for david j. stewart. May the Lord Jesus Christ richly bless you, David J. Stewart, and heal you of your neck pain, that you take worldly man made chemical drugs to alleviate, according to His good and perfect will!
By the way, david j. stewart, if you're reading this, only a COWARD like you criticizes and brings forth "holier than thou" judgements on other Christians WITHOUT leaving an email adress for those "evil heretic" Christians to contact you with so they can defend and explain their biblical theology. Now I'm done.