When David was just five years of age, I bought him a pair of boxing gloves. In fact, I bought one pair for David and one pair for the boy across the street. I got them together and let them box. The boy punched David in the nose; David wanted to quit, but I wouldn't let him. I was going to teach him how to defend himself, how to be a man- physically a man, emotionally a man, mentally a man, and spiritually a man. He learned to fight until now he can protect his sisters.
One day when David was about nine I looked out through the upstairs window and saw him across the street straddling a little fellow and beating him up. He was hitting him right in the face until blood was coming. I ran down the stairs, out the door, across the street and pulled him off. "Son, what in the world are you doing?" I said.
He looked up with quivering lips and with anger in his eyes said, "Dad, he was calling my sister (Linda) a dirty name."
I said, "Then get back on him and let him have it!" When I walked away he was back on him again beating him up. God pity this weak-kneed generation which stands for nothing, fight for nothing, and dies for nothing.
If this is real, this guy's an asshole.
Guess the whole 'turn the other cheek' stuff is for the pansies, not the True Christians.
Boxing gloves!?!
Now that was kind of a wussy thing to get him!
You should have gotten him a chainsaw!
Yup! Real men use chainsaws!
That way there would be no more calling his sister dirty names!
Taking your story at face value, you just raised your son to be a bully.
I would recommend counseling for you and your son.
"God pity this weak-kneed generation which stands for nothing, fight for nothing, and dies for nothing."
Sky daddy, pity the pussies who don't have the balls to just walk away and be the better person.
"God pity this weak-kneed generation which stands for nothing, fight for nothing, and dies for nothing."
Our generation does indeed "stand for nothing, fight for nothing, die for nothing" in places like Iraq and Afghanistan.
If this is true, then maybe some day your son will bully some kid who will later turn up at his school armed to the teeth, and your son will wind up on a slab in the morgue.
Then you can be like all the other fundie retards and blame atheism instead of yourself.
You, sir, are a pathetic excuse for a father, a man, and a human being.
I bet you almost named him Sue as well. Please someone get the reference
In all seriousness, only idiots resolve arguments with fists and brute force.
*cough* Bush *cough*
This kind of stuff really doesn't surprise me coming from the same asshole who promotes beating your child until you "break their will".
But anywho, this is beyond macho bullshit, it's fucking evil. Not only has he turned his kids into potential sociopaths, he is proud of it.
And would you like to know what happened to David Hyles? He had at least 19 affairs with women in the church, posed naked in a swingers magazine, is possibly involved in the death of his 2 children. At least he didn't get teh ghey.
"If you don't stand for something you don't stand for anything."___________G.W. Bush
Ahem. I wonder at the possibility that Linda is earning the "dirty names"
ArmandT, I wonder how many people realize that "A Boy Named Sue" was written by a man named Shirley.
Glenn Shirley - a tough name to live with in a prison, I bet.
I guess I lose, haha. Actually I'm not a big Johnny Cash fan, my friend is, and he constantly references Cash/Waits/Cave. I'm more of a post-rock guy myself, but I just thought the reference seemed fitting.
Philbert: Didn't know that. Cool.
I wonder what's Jack's kin up to these days? Still evading the cops, screwing around and beating the living shit out of his surviving children?
I hope you visit your son when he's confined in a maximum security facility for fighting someone for their cash drawer.
On one hand I'd like to say it would be a pleasure kicking your ass up between your pompous shoulders but then I realized, leaving you to go through life just another ignorant, rhetoric spouting dumbshit is far worse than anything anyone could ever do to you physically.
Peace Through War! Peace Through War!
Now, I have a really stupid (on my part) question to ask - and I want you to actually use what pitiful excuse for a brain you may have to answer it: What Would Jesus Do?
Funny how people who ascribe themselves to a particular religion seem to hold values in direct contradiction to it.
@Buddt: Daddy might be the coward of the county. If the kid was nine, he had`nt gone through twenty years of crawling. Besides Kenny Rogers`moral is to shy the fight, but sometimes you have to fight. In this case it was not the rape of his woman, but someone calling his sister a bad name (evidence ?)that caused the fight.
And this guy is connected with child abuse, adultery and sex scandals. Yes, he fights for something, stand for something and I don't think he will die easily for his own inmorality.
I take it you'll be quite happy to visit your son in prison in later life, when he finds out he can't get away with assaulting anybody who says something he doesn't like?
Also I'd like you to go the families of soldiers killed in Iraq and tell them their sons and daughters were "weak-kneed", I'll bring flowers to your funeral.
There was a guy in my basic training batallion that was the Fundie Ring Leader. He spent the majority of the time telling me that because my dogtag said Wiccan (thats the closest thing that compares to my beliefs) I was going to Hell. I told him Jesus was a Cunt and he swung at me.
I'm not a violent man, but if you swing at me I'm gonna give you the buisiness. Needless to say, after his stout beating the Drill Sergeant yelled at him for being an ass and made him run laps.
I'm a martial arts instructor.. I'm all about teaching kids to defend themselves and stand up for those who cannot... however, what your child did.. and what you condoned him doing is called ASSAULT. And it is a damn shame that your little spawn wasn't taken away from you and placed into a home where they would have taught him that it is WRONG to beat people to a pulp over WORDS.. and it is a shame that I don't run into you somewhere on the street and perceive something you say as "insulting" or "offensive" to me. Because then, you could see what it is like to have your ass handed to you.. and then to diminish your "manliness" even more.. you could live with the shame of having your ass handed to you by a GIRL.
"Hitler, why did you systematically exterminate 6 million Jews, Gypsies, and homosexuals?"
"Because they were calling my sister a dirty name!"
"Oh! Well, carry on then."
You're teaching your kid to be like this? When I was 13, I took karate, and on the first day the instructor told us that this wasn't to be used to bully anyony, i.e. you don't start a fight, you finish it. That's the opposite of what happened here. Little boy David is going to grow up to go to jail for A&B after getting into a few bar fights.
And what a swell fella David turned out to be!
"David Hyles, Jack Hyles' son, was expelled from the pulpit and pastorate at Miller Road Baptist Church in Garland, Texas. He was charged with having committd adultery with 19 different women at the church. The story broke when a janitor found pornographic photos of Hyles having sex with a deacon's daughter. David, whose wife divorced him, later lived with Brenda Stevens and was charged in abusing her year-old son, Brent. Brent was found dead in his crib at the age of 15 months. At the coroner's inquest in 1985, Brenda was a no-show, while David Hyles pleaded the Fifth Amendment. David and Brenda Hyles later conceived a son, and named him Jack David Hyles. In March of 1999, Brenda Hyles ran him over with the family car, killing the 5-year-old boy. Brenda claimed that Jack David had fallen out of the car and she could not avoid running over him (3/25/99, St. Petersburg Times).] Many IFB pulpits are still open to Dave Hyles, in spite of his history of gross sin."
Of course, at the time you didn't know that your son, with his two wives, suspicious of three murders(two of them of children)and adultery and VD, that poor Linda was the only woman he was going to protect so far.
I fervently believe that Jack Hyles was NOT a man of God. In fact, I know so. Why would Hyles build his church near Chicago, a city of thugs and gangsters. Any dumb ass who needed a body guard due to his earthly riches is NOT a man of God. Jack Hyles had evil written all over his complexion & aura of obesity (gluttony, one of the 7 deadly sins). Hypocrite ! Invisible ears was Jack.
There is so much evil surrounding the church today whether you are Jew, Muslim or Christian, and Dave Hyles, his son, was the replica and extension of Jack's perversion.
If, there is a Heaven "on the other side" ??, Jack, Dave, Jerry Falwell, and numerous others will not be going. They are truly not saved by the grace of God as they continued to lie to their congregations.
I think that God is going to send Jack Hyles back to Earth, since, he never learned anything as in born again, rebirth. Jack Hyles needs to suffer more. God isn't through with him, nor is God through with you or I.
The war is just beginning, and in no way are we near the end of the world, thou fool. Deal with it ! The stubbornness and ignorance and arrogance of our world has/is manifested through Jack and little Davie Hyles who continues to destroy God's army. Dave Hyles is the enemy of God.
This is a Poe, right? I mean, he goes out of his way to point up he's "hitting a little fellow right in the face until blood was coming."
Good lord...God pity this week-kneed generation which talks a lot of shit and encourages beating up helpless, bloody children over talking smack like kids do.
EDIT: Oh lord, it's REAL. I need go bathe my brain now.
Never mind that Jack himself didn't keep horribly well to his own marital oaths...
He seems to think that this kind of hyper-masculinizing will ward off homosexuality. If he were still alive, we'd need to consider introducing him to the bear archetype...
This is a classic case of Hylesology...If he thought it was ok for his son to injure another boy in vengance instead of winning that poor boy's soul to jesus and repentance. then why didnt Hyles beat up Vic Nishick, Robert Sumner, and everyone else who has exposed him as a false prophet?! Why didnt Hyles himself beat up Lordship Salvation preachers and Tobacco store owners?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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