I find it strange that you defend abortions because most occur under 12 weeks, as if that makes it okay. My mother had an abortion when she was 9 weeks. Something went wrong and the doctor left half of the body inside. The body decomposed and was left with skeletal remains that had to be removed. She was traumatized. Your movement killed her emotionally and killed my little sister physically. This is what you stand by
Savita Halappanavar died because she was in a country that outlawed abortions. This is what you stand by.
"skeletal remains that had to be removed"
At 9 weeks the skeleton is not mineralized so, what the previous poster said.
Actually that was a doctor's incompetence - it happens unfortunately.
Yes, the abortion movement and your mother killed your unborn sister, and yes, that is a consequence pro-choicers should recognise and accept. The interests of society and the individual in the emancipation of half the human race via allowing them control over their fertility outweighs the right to life of the unborn, at least for a reasonable period in which to make that decision (e.g. 20-24 weeks).
Hopefully there will come a time where medical science makes removal and artificial gestation possible, but until then restriction-free abortion up to a certain term is the only practical way of allowing women effective and comprehensive birth-control.
Some people die during surgery. Ergo, ban surgery.
Wait, this is just antivaxxer logic applied to abortion. "Bad consequences can occur from this standard medical procedure, therefore it should be banned."
My mother had an abortion when she was 9 weeks. Something went wrong and the doctor left half of the body inside.
Bullshit. If a doctor left "half the body" inside, he'd be incompetent and guilty of malpractice. Not impossible, I know, but at 9 weeks there's not much of a body to be left behind, so it would have been sucked out pretty easily. But there definitely wouldn't have been skeletal remains, and no way to determine the sex.
Even if that wasn't a fucking lie, the blame would lay with the shitty doctor. Not the procedure. When a heart surgeon makes a mistake, that doesn't make open heart surgery bad.
And you didn't have a little sister.
Well, not much I can say that the other commenters haven't already said.
But still, you're obviously lying, admit it. And all that bullscheiße just makes me even more convinced that our side is right. As we don't have to resort to bad lies to bring our point across.
P.S.: Does anybody else think it's weird that whenever fundies lie for their cause (all the time) it's such an incredibly obvious lie, despite the fact that they're habitual liars to the point of mythomania? You'd think that such people would know how to lie more believably...
It amuses me that you think you can tell gender from 9 week fetal remains. Aside from that, I fail to see your point. Unfortunately, abortions are not without risk just like child birth, vaccines and walking out your door in the morning. All but very late abortions are safer than child birth BTW. This post could have just as easily said, "My mother died in childbirth, and my little sister is still traumatized. Childbirth killed my little sister mentally and my mother physically. That's what your side stands for."
"P.S.: Does anybody else think it's weird that whenever fundies lie for their cause (all the time) it's such an incredibly obvious lie,"
To fundies, these lies seem like obvious truth, like 'water is wet'. They are unable to process the concept that other people would not be convinced.
Maybe you were told that, but it never happened, never. I think you need to learn a little skepticism.
Most abortions occur early, when there is no brain development, and no possible way for the fetus to feel pain. That's why it "makes it okay".
Liar!!! Just exactly what does Anonymous think the baby is, fully formed and weighing in at 7 pounds?
At nine weeks, the fetus looks like this and is only an inch long.
*If* that were true, which it wasn't, it would have been the doctors fault, not her right to an abortion.
"This is what you stand by"
But, you on the other hand stand by being either a liar or an idiot who is either ignorant or naive enough to believe the most ridiculous and easily disproved bull.
Well, that's impossible, so... Either this is an idiot and a blatant liar or just a total idiot who will believe any and all anti-choice lying bullshit. What kills and traumatizes women is the "pro-life movement." They also harm children and families, making it more difficult for women to get gynecological and prenatal care and children to get healthcare.
But, hey, who cares about all that when you can focus on nonexistent, hypothetical human beings? Imaginary "little sisters" are more important to these people...
If that clown cared about preventing trauma like that in the first place, this is the kind of thing that he should oppose.
As Zadronzy notes, the legislators who passed this law heard testimony from women who had endured similar fates in other states where “fetal pain” laws were passed and from physicians whose focus was maternal and fetal health. Knowing full well the impact of the law they were discussing, they passed it anyway.
If that doesn’t tell you how little these legislators care about what’s best for women, parents, and fetuses, nothing will. It makes no sense, even by their own logic, to condemn a fetus that they believe feels pain to an extended death. It makes no sense to condemn pregnant women to carry doomed fetuses to term.
Incidentally, Georgia Representative Terry England summed it up best when he was arguing for including dying fetuses in his state’s fetal pain 20-week ban by comparing women who are forced to carry dead fetuses to his experience on the farm delivering stillborn pigs and calves. If the animals could do it, so could the women. That sums up the “pro-life” view of women’s reproductive rights about as neatly as any one comment ever could.
"The body decomposed and was left with skeletal remains that had to be removed."
Another case of the "It's a fully formed, thinking and feeling baby from a fraction of a second after sperm has fused with egg!" belief.
@Thinking Allowed
D'awwww, it's so cute! :)
I'd just like to point out that that example you posted looks much closer to a six-weeker than a nine-weeker.
In Rhode Island, a neurosurgeon operated on the wrong side of a patient's head. Should we therefore ban all neurosurgery? Or how about the guy who needed a leg amputation due to diabetes and the surgeon amputated the wrong leg? Should we ban all leg amputations and let people die of gangrene to keep this from happening again?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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