Propaganda Minister of the Third Reich, Joseph Goebbels, wrote about the Jews: "These aren't human beings any more, these are animals." So is that how evolutionists feel about human beings?
Yes, humans are animals. No, that doesn't mean they aren't humans; all humans are animals because they fit certain criteria. Don't compare me to Joseph Goebbels. Ever.
Oh, yeah, and you're an idiot. Though I suppose that's evident to just about everyone.
Actualy ,, Using Goebbels as an example of evolutionists... Is like using Goebbels as an example of gravityists.
Otherwise your post makes no sense at all, but you are Carico, so that is to be expected.
Heil Godwin
Damn, I wanted to make this one! T_T
As long as you're Godwinizing the topic, check out what Hitler said about creation -- not what your pastor says he said, but what he actually said. Also, as for whether human beings are animals, even the Book of Ecclesiastes says we are.
It should be fairly obvious that Goebbels said this exactly because he did not think of himself and his ilk as animals, and used the word to express his opinion that the Jews are inferior. So how is that quote relevant to the question of what happens if we think all humans, including ourselves are members of the Animalia kingdom?
... oh wait, it's Carico, the best reason-repellent known to man. Nevermind, then.
Nice strawman.
Humans are members of the animal kingdom, however we...Oh, shit, it's Carico. Nevermind.
No, This is how a Nazi feels about Jews. And this belief is completely compatable with the Catholic Church of the time in all of Europe. Not compatable with Darwins theories in any way.
We're all animals, that's a designation that humans are part of. When He said this, he meant it as an insult, as in uncivilized and inherently an inferior to Germanic peoples. They were RACISTS, only religion and unfamiliarity has considered other races as inferior.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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