..for me personally, all I see is an all-out spiritual warfare against faith today.
You see what you want to, whether or not what you see is real is a different story.
so you know, 45 million Christians were murdered in the 20th century just for being Christians.
You got multiple sources to confirm that? How about a case by case basis to claim that being christian was in fact the reason they were killed and not one of the many, many other reasons why someone would be executed.
And if you ask me, the "climate" as far as people's attitudes go hasn't changed much at all.
So Christian are still the majority in the US and are in no way being persecuted, but instead they are still the ones doing the persecuting.
The truth is it's very, very hard to get a job or get by in day to day living if you're a Christian .... around here in this environment (California, USA).
How so? How are you being oppressed because your a christian? How do people even know your a christian? It's not as if you have to wear something that identifies you as a christian, so unless you are throwing your religion in everybody's face then there's no way they even know you're a christian. If you are throwing it in peoples face then I can't blame them for not hiring you, it's job, not another outlet for you to evangelize the world on your employers dime.
What i find far more likely is that you are just assuming that since you live in an fairly liberal part of the country that poeple there won't like you being christian and therefore you don't even bother to look for a job, you just get on the internet and whine about how much you are being persecuted by the evil atheist/evolutionist/secular/liberal/homosexual agenda. It's an economic recession, not a wave of christian persecution, grow up and get over yourself.