Adhemarde #fundie

This is the pathetic state of "science" today. Evolution, other than intraspecies accommodation, is unproven, and far less likely than intelligent design from a purely logical point of view. Science is supposed to be empirical and unbiased, but evolution depends absolutely on atheistic materialism, and will not allow anything contrary to that view, because to do so would make their entire house of cards tumble to the floor. Global warming is the same. Many scientists call the elaborate schemes proposed by evolutionists a series of "evolutionary Just So Stories:, and they are indeed that. While the earth indeed warms and cools, we do not know over what timeframe that occurs, what causes it, whether man's activities have any effect, or even if that change would or would not be beneficial. Yet you cannot even speak to a university group, much less occupy a faculty position, unless you subscribe to the liberal dogma. Even if science were the answer to all our problems, the one-sided pseudo-religion that passes for it will get us nowhere in our search for truth.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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