Could Evolutionists Admit One Thing????
They are so wrong... They can throw around big fancy words, but really have no clue. Where would we be without you? Do you feel ashamed that you have to lie to get evidence or bend it until it breaks. Your arrogance is unbelievable!
That thread is hilarious!
"Can you tell me what part of evolution is wrong?"
"All of it!"
"Such as?"
"Screw you, I'm going to bed!"
So questioning myths and drawing conclusions from physical evidence is lying and fabricating evidence? But the invisible man in the sky who orders you to a life of subservience, repression, and self loathing is ..better?
Who's more arrogant? The people who believe we came about by mere chance and are, in the big picture, no more important than the other animals on the planet? Or the people who believe they were specifically made in God's image, and given dominion over the other animals? And who, often enough, believe they are the literal center of the universe?
Don't give the fundies more ammo -- that we came about 'by chance' is one of the biggest misconceptions about evolution, and often why people dismiss it. Natural selection has no consciousness guiding it, but that doesn't make it chance. Mutation is random, yes, but cumulative natural selection isn't.
Could fundies admit one thing? They are frightened brainwashed babies that can't cope with reality, or the rigors of grade 4 science, so they endlessly repeat to themselves their little version of reality, all the while driving away anyone that contradicts them, until they only have personal contact with people who share their mental illness and come to believe their belief is the default, although anyone outside their family regard them as "that interbred family that lives on the South Mountain"
Now I admit, that's one thing that subdivides into a bunch of related things, but ultimately, it's just One Thing. Right?
[They are so wrong... They can throw around big fancy words, but really have no clue.]
Prove it.
[Where would we be without you?]
Hundreds of years of scientific advancement that has saved countless lives and improved the standard of living for the whole world.
Without it, we'd be living in dark, cold, mud huts, dealing with plagues and a high infant mortality rate. We'd also be burning our neighbors at the stake for being witches and locking people up for looking at the stars.
Where would we be without you?
[Do you feel ashamed that you have to lie to get evidence or bend it until it breaks.]
Ashamed of *WHAT*? What lies? If you've got evidence of wrongdoing, bring it forward and let's talk about it.
Or are you just talking smack?
[Your arrogance is unbelievable!]
You're the one who's making claims without any evidence.
Years of study and research and proof of theories and evidence are nothing against a bible wielding fundie and one of their favorite words..."lies".
"Lies, lies, it's all lies" insanity takes hold.
"Do you feel ashamed that you have to lie to get evidence or bend it until it breaks. Your arrogance is unbelievable!"
Herrmmm...never seen a mirror before, I take it?
Just because you are jealous because you don't understand the "big fancy words" (which you are most likely only bombarded with when you are asking for an excessive amount of evidence to prove to you that evolution is a scientific fact...there's a reason why they don't inundate you with that information in a classroom setting...)doesn't mean that they are just "big fancy words". The words have meaning, if you bothered to try to comprehend them, and you would probably see quite plainly that they show how evolution is not only intuitively true, but also supported by concrete evidence. Unfortunately, you would prefer to be excessively skeptical about this particular scientific theory because you believe it to be at odds with you mythology. So, please, when you apply this skepticism to anything that isn't in the interests of preserving a baseless worldview, get back to me. Until then, STFU.
As opposed to fundie arrogance, believing the entire vast universe full of planets, stars, black holes, galaxies, clusters, super clusters, filaments, and dark matter revolves around our tiny and insignificant little world and that we are most important. We're the only thing that matters in the universe; that's humility is it?
Can Mission FM admit one thing? The fact he has no idea what-so-ever about evolution(and isn't intelligent enough to understand big words) does not stop him from talking about it. His arrogance is believable because, like most fundies, his ignorance of any subject, be it atheism, evolution, other religion's beliefs, or the Bible never stops them from discussing them at length(thankfully, "because without stupid people who would we laugh at" to quote "happy bunny").
So one who believes in evolution is arrogant though the evidence does point in that direction? While fundies, particularly Christian fundies assume their beliefs are universal, we are the centre of all things, and all should cater to them
Dear Creationists:
Stop projecting.
I recommend reading the CF thread. They shut him down, and shut him up, almost as thoroughly as we at fstdt.
Maybe there is some reason to hope?
I'm sorry, the answer "big fancy words" is incorrect. The correct answer was "Can you give me a second to look that up?"; we would also have accepted "Can you explain that? I don't understand." And I see you bet it all, meaning you have zero dollars.
They can throw around big fancy words
A dictionary would help.
Where would we be without you?
In the dark ages losing all our children to chicken pox and other illnesses.
Do you feel ashamed that you have to lie to get evidence or bend it until it breaks
Sounds like what many creationalist do.
"Could Theists Admit One Thing????
They are so wrong... They can throw around big fancy stories, but really have no clue. Where would we be without you? Do you feel ashamed that you have to lie to get evidence or bend it until it breaks. Your arrogance is unbelievable!"
There. Fixed two errors for you.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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