its evolutionists that are the idiots, they think we all came from an ape but we keep apes in cages as attractions at zoos, why dont we put ourselves in zoos if we came from apes? apes are just animals, but god made each of us individually and he put in a lot of love into each of us, were more than just animals. evolutionists deny this which is really stupid, god loves us, even the idiot evolutionists who deny him.
> its evolutionists that are the idiots, <
Nuh uh, You're the big fat stupid idiots. So there. Takes one to know one.
@ TGRwulf
Yeah, he love us alright. That's why he's willing to let us burn in hell for all eternity.
I know; if I was god I'd only burn fundies for oh, let's say a couple thousand years and let them off the hook, and I don't even love the bastards. Not even a little bit.
"its evolutionists that are the idiots, they think we all came from an ape but we keep apes in cages as attractions at zoos, why dont we put ourselves in zoos if we came from apes?"
We don't come from apes--we are apes.
"apes are just animals, but god made each of us individually and he put in a lot of love into each of us, were more than just animals."
Prove it.
"evolutionists deny this which is really stupid, god loves us, even the idiot evolutionists who deny him."
Which is why you'll be tormented in the pits of Hell for all eternity if you don't kiss his ass just the right way for the right period of time.
Is it just me, or is it totally ironic when someone who calls someone else idiots while not using proper grammar, spelling, or capitalization?
The Classification of Human Beings:
Kingdom: Animalia (e.g. Animal)
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammilia
Order: Primate
Family: Hominidae (e.g. Great Apes)
Genus: Homo
Species: sapien
So, as you can see, we are not just descended from animals called apes. We are animals called apes. What we do with our phylogenetic cousins doesn’t change that fact.
why dont we put ourselves in zoos if we came from apes?
Because being human ourselves, we are no sufficiently exotic or rare to draw a crowd.
"its evolutionists that are the idiots, they think we all came from an ape"
We don't come from. We are apes.
"but we keep apes in cages as attractions at zoos"
And? What's the point? What does putting something in a cage make a difference? Have you ever heard of a jail?
"why dont we put ourselves in zoos if we came from apes?"
"its evolutionists that are the idiots, they think we all came from an ape but we keep apes in cages as attractions at zoos, why dont we put ourselves in zoos if we came from apes?"
Because we did. Because we are bastards.
"its evolutionists that are the idiots, they think..."
I stopped there since I don't like being told what I think by people who don't know shit about me.
"its evolutionists that are the idiots..."
Wow, you start off with name calling! I'm impressed! (sarcasm)
"... they think we all came from an ape..."
Don't tell me what *I* believe, creep.
"... why dont we put ourselves in zoos if we came from apes?"
Wow, you're dumb.
"apes are just animals..."
So are we.
"...but god made each of us individually and he put in a lot of love into each of us..."
[citation needed]
"... even the idiot evolutionists who deny him."
Wow, more insults! Now I'm really impressed! (sarcasm again)
Joe Mama, no it's not ironic as punctuation, grammar and capitalization have absolutely nothing to do with intelligence.
Anyway... back to the fundie. "why dont we put ourselves in zoos if we came from apes", we came from dirt or clay didn't we so why don't we put ourselves in plant pots or make bricks out of us? Fundie logic fail part... I lose count.
And in this cage we have an example of Homo creatardis . Don't get too close to the cage, this species is known for flinging all sorts of shit at people, from nonsensical biblical quotes to Chick tracts.
Ever worked in an office? Ever had stockholders walk through the cubicle farm and ogle the workers?
So yeah, we already do. Nice job doing the research, hero.
@1: "I always like to respond with, "No, we didn't evolve FROM monkeys. We share a common ancestor.""
We share an ancestor with the old-world monkeys from 20 million years ago, but the old-world monkeys and new-world monkeys share an ancestor from 40 million years ago. The ancestor of both old and new world monkeys was almost without doubt a monkey as well as the ancestor of all apes.
So yes, we share a common ancestor with modern monkeys, and it was a monkey (see 'Rendezvous 6' in Dawkins' The Ancestor's Tale ).
All right, I'm going to let the pain speak for me:
God created us? You dimwit, if this so-called perfect being you kowtow to all the time actually did create humans, THEN WHY THE FUCK ARE WISDOM TEETH SUCH A DAMNED PAIN TO DEAL WITH?! The pain, the sensitivity to cold, DRY SOCKET, back where it's almost impossible to make sure you're cleaning your teeth properly! You asshole, if we were created by a perfect being, NONE OF THAT WOULD EXIST! I bet we wouldn't even have our wisdom teeth as far back in our mouths we do, because this perfect being would have realized that this would just lead to trouble.
On the grounds of recent experience with having a dental surgeon excavate two wisdom teeth on the same day, and having to struggle with the bottom one, AND having endured pain and sensitivity to cold for the past week, I call BULLSHIT!
So God doesn't love the animals he supposedly created? He just whipped up a bunch of chimpanzees and gorillas and was like "lol, well now that that's out of the way..."
Non-human apes have complex social orders, emotions, and thought processes. The are hardly "just" animals. No animal is "just" an animal. They are all complex and interesting.
If we are "more than animals" why do we insist on killing each other over less than trivial matters?
Oh, and nature is way more complex than you can possibly comprehend. Compared to nature we are pathetic hairless apes, with a god complex.
If ToE concerns you so much go back to grade school so you can learn about it.
...but we keep apes in cages as attractions at zoos, why dont we put ourselves in zoos if we came from apes?
As an Animal Rights type person, I would ask - why not?
If we are keeping examples of species locked up in cages and put on show, why not have a cage with Homo Sapiens in. Stick 'em next to the Gorrilas and Orangutans where they belong, eh?
No? Then don't cage other animals then.
Deiwos said: "Joe Mama, no it's not ironic as punctuation, grammar and capitalization have absolutely nothing to do with intelligence."
I say: Citation seriously needed. I believes U Be rong.
Oh, yes, cuz being desended from Dirtman & Ribwoman from 6000 years ago, who brought hardship to Earth by eating fruit from a magic tree after being tempted by a talking snake is FAR MORE BELIEVEABLE!
I'll take millions of years of slow, gradual, genetic adaptations from primate ancestors, thank you.
we keep apes in cages as attractions at zoos, why dont we put ourselves in zoos if we came from apes?
It's pretty definite that I "came from" my grandparents. We keep my grandparents in the ground , but I'm not about to bury myself just yet.
why dont we put ourselves in zoos if we came from apes?
I've forwarded your comments to Richard Dawkins, and in the face of such cold, hard logic, he promptly fell to his knees and and wept, begging god to forgive him for his folly.
Just as I expected. Once again, an insufficient reason to believe in a god.
I've stopped believing that there actually could be a good argument. They just simply never have one ever.
Your grammar is atrocious even by the standards of a juvenile chimpanzee, but we're the idiots?
And you expect to be taken seriously?
'its evolutionists that are the idiots, they think we all came from an ape'
NO, you fundies are the IDIOTS, biatch! And you really need to brush up on Charles Darwin.
'why dont we put ourselves in zoos'
Good question. Why don't we put fundy nutjobs like HisGrace in a zoo - she'd be right at home in a primate house among the monkeys.
Actually, wisdom teeth is not such a bad idea; they're spare parts. Before we had dentists and Pepsodent we lost quite a lot of teeth, it was good to have a spare set that could grow into the empty spaces where teeth had been lost. Now, when we keep most of our teeth until we are fairly old, they are a nuisance, as there's no room for them anymore.
To the post; as many others have said, we DID put humans in cages, back when we thought that the White Man was superior. Most of us have grown out of stupid ideas like that. Many of us don't even see humans as particularly superior and don't think we should put ANY animal in a cage.
Seeing a wild* moose striding majestically through the garden at dusk makes me more awed than seeing a bored and/or stressed moose in a cage at a zoo.
* Wild as in free, not wild as in crazy
Nice proof there, very scientific!
May I borrow your logic for a moment? Human adults came from human babies, but we put human babies in diapers and don't expect them to do anything for themselves. Why don't we put human adults in diapers, or expect that they will be useless?
Chickens came from eggs, but we use eggs in baking. Why don't we put live, whole chickens into foods such as cakes?
My house came from wood, but we chop wood down with axes, so why don't I start hacking away at my house with a hatchet until it falls over?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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