What if Jews are actually evil and Hitler was doing the right thing?
The DMC reboot is garbage but it does highlight something. The reimagined Mundus and his demons are basically a re-hash of every racist's physically impossible accusation about Jews. Controlling all finance, ruling through debt, poisoning everyone with stupidity inducing drugs, openly attacking with invisible soldiers and leaving no physical evidence or witnesses.
Except that being demons with supernatural powers and access to alternate dimensions they can actually do the impossible. That's what it would take for this grand conspiracy to actually be true: Extradimensional magical beings that are immune to their own brain poison and could actually survive a destroyed world with no human life. An immortal leader that goes unquestioned because he is so powerful he can rewrite reality precluding internal power struggles. A magic invisible surveillance network to see who is talking about them without being easily hacked or backtraced or drawing suspicion of any kind because the cameras do not physically exist. The ability to spirit people away to other dimensions and replace them with demonic lookalikes. Everyone in the world is implicitly mentally retarded and will believe pretty much anything they are told.
Virgil - running the resistance and providing an allegory for Neo-Nazis - is an extremely racist ubermensch that tries to appear morally upright and benign but his rousing speeches are all just paying humans lip service while saving them from this invisible menace and in truth he would happily gun every last man woman and child down in the streets if they were in his way.
It is in my opinion the perfect allegory for how these people think. And it is a headache-inducingly awful experience. It's all stupid. How impossible the demon's control would be without magical absurdity in the mix is lampshaded more than once. Even with all his superpowers letting Mundus actually run this secret New World Order deal he doesn't really seem to have any ultimate goal beyond being generally evil and a dick to mankind. Even in a world where this is all supposed to make sense it makes no sense.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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