[Comment on article about Egypt "The earliest known archaeological record of human culture in Ancient Egypt dates to between 13,000 and 9,000 B.C"]
Given that the Earth is only 6000 years old, this is not possible. -PFoster-
I agree. This anti-Biblical bias should be corrected. At the very least, the materialist perspective should be complemented with the Christian view. Really, this is supposed to be Conservapedia, not Oldearthpedia. -Brtkrbzhnv-
"Given that the Earth is only 6000 years old, this is not possible. "
And yet, it happened. And that means your bible is *gasp* FALSE!
"The ocean reflects the color of the sky, that's why the ocean looks blue but a glass of water doesn't."
Given that the sky is taupe, this is not possible.
"Given that the Earth is only 6000 years old, this is not possible. -PFoster-"
Tell it to Zahi Hawass. I'm sure he'd be interested to know that he's overseeing antiquities that don't actually exist because the Earth wasn't around at the time they were created.
"the materialist perspective should be complemented with the Christian view"
Okay. Here you go.
"But, according to a devoted segment of Bible literalists, these archaelogical records are flawed due to every form of radiometric dating being inherently wrong. [1] Further, due to the fact that the Earth is only 6,000 years old [2] , this civilization should actually date back to approximately 2,000 B.C.E. , when the dinosaurs roamed the Earth, and the flood waters that formed the Grand Canyon receded...somehow... [3]
1. Inhuman levels of denial.
2. Fuzzy Bible maths and sheep-like guilibility.
3. Wanton retardation/ Kent Hovind."
You're welcome.
Upon seeing the username Brtkrbzhnv, who else instantly felt the urge to say "Gesundheit"?
I was urged to say Joe Btspflk.
For 13 millenia, science and religion coexisted in the search to better humanity.
Then along came christianity and brains ceased to function.
I translate very ancient texts and have done so for over 56 years. It is the bible that needs correction - entirely.
I don’t need to belittle, brainwash or punish you. Your religion has already seen to that.
As a footnote to Conservapedia. The "Egyptians" who live in Egypt today are NOT related to the original inhabitants.
Some stayed on as Copts, and the rest were driven out to what is now called Nigeria.
The Egyptians of today are mainly Berber Arabs descended for the slaves of the original Egyptians.
And stop asking tailored questions to give answers you've already predetermined.
I was at school last semester.
Given that the universe was created Last Thursday, this is impossible.
Obviously I've never been to college, those were false memories implanted by the IPU for her own ends.
Wow, those facts can be pretty pesky now, can they?
This is a new level of stupid.
Conservapedia needs to re-named to more clearly reflect it's Fundamentalist Christian, anti-science, anti-history, anti-intellectualism, neo-conservative, hyper-capitalist, militaristic, homophobic, xenophobic, misogynistic, Dominionist, American Imperialist-Exceptionalist, faith-based and reality-denying stance. Therefore, as a public service to all concerned I hereby humbly submit my modest suggestion for a name that, I think, captures it's true level of accuracy and veracity whilst being somewhat more redolent of its homey, "Ignorance is Bliss But Suckering the Masses is Even Better" attitude:
I think that pretty well sums it up, don't you?
"Given that the Earth is only 6000 years old, this is not possible"
Given that the Earth is only 6000 years old, you're absolutely right. Unfortunately, the Earth is not 6000 years old.
I didn't notice this was from Conservapedia at first. Holy crap!
Seriously, as some else asked, when did conservative become religious nutjob?
I feel sorry for any proper Republicans left in the party, if they haven't been replaced by yet more religious nuts....
suppress the truth to keep the fiction rolling.
I can understand fundies doing it, but if conservapedia wants to be seen as a competitor of even wikipedia (itself a slightly dubious source for some things) it really shouldn't hied the truth.
But of course it will, these people will, right up until the death of the universe (yes! the fundies will be off the planet, having got the nasty scientists allow them passage).
And as the last of them dies they'll say goddidit
I have conservative friends. Unlike you, they're not complete dumbasses. There's a difference between being conservative and being religiously blind.
Unfortunately, thanks to NeoCons like GW "Patriot Act, Mission Accomplished, War on Terror" Bush- some people think that conservative means "religious dumbfuck." Oy.
Ok, in that case, why don't you post the Bible with goddiit and leave us alone?. The problem is, never expect to improve wikipedia's record.
I come from a family that's voted Democrat for, like, three generations now, at least. (My grandmother used to help organize the local Democratic Party, and help run polling places before our county switched to voting by mail.) That said, I do feel for those members of the Republican Party who aren't in lockstep with these fuckers.
I'd have sworn there used to be a time when "conservative" was just an area on the political spectrum, not a synonym for Biblical literalism and/or self-serving anti-logic, nor even synonymous with a particular party preference. In fact, I'm told there used to be such things as liberal Republicans and conservative Democrats! (Hard to believe, I know.) At least, that's what I read. Maybe that's my problem: I read things. Things that aren't even the Bible, no less.
Dumbfuckapedia seconded.
@[b]Philbert McAdamia
Joe Btfsplk .... ;)
We say the earth is Billions of years old, they jump up and down, shrieking "HOW DO YOU KNOW WERE YOU THERE?!" And yet they say with utter certainty that the Earth is 6000 years old. I'm preeeeeetty sure none of them are 6000.
DNA or GTFO. Kthxbai.
So, we get a factual piece of evidence that contradicts the Bible.
It means the factual piece of evidence is wrong! It truly is that simple!
And yet ...the Egyptians wrote these things down, you know. We have family trees, we have the length of the dynasties. While "Adam and Eve" were talking to snakes, the Egyptians were carving their messages into stone ...and they can still be read. The Chinese were developing their civilization, and long before that the early denizens of France and Spain were painting us beautiful pictures in caves.
Didn't you ever consider that the bible concerns the history of one particular culture in one particular place in the Middle East. Maybe THAT is only 6000 years old, although I'll bet you will find plenty of others who claim they were watching from the front row seats when "the world" was created.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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