'O Christmas Tree' is no better than 'Sympathy For The Devil' by The Rolling Stones. Either way, God is being robbed of praise that He is rightfully due from mankind. Most of our American culture today is anti-God and anti-Christianity. I'll get to the blasphemous term X-MAS in a moment. We spit on God as a nation. I pray for God to punish our nation. We deserve a Police State, for being complacent and tolerating sin. That's why people tolerate government tyranny, that is, because their foolish hearts have been darkened by Satan.
If people don't care about the sin of abortion, and they don't care about the sin of homosexuality, and they don't care about the evil public schools, and they don't care about the evils of drunkenness; then pray tell me, what makes you think that they'll care ABOUT ANYTHING ELSE??? It's not that hard to figure out! People don't care anymore! People who don't care about God won't care about their fellow mankind either. Until people start caring about morality, then they won't care about liberty nor freedom either. Americans have been lulled into a semi-unconscious state of psychosis.
Blasphemy is anything which mocks, speak evil of, or attempts to replace God. This song is so evil, attempting to substitute the true meaning of Christ in Christmas with a worldly message of pleasure, self-fulfillment and baseless joy. It's absolutely sickening. I wanted to vomit as I listened to the cast of Glee sing this song. I mean, the Bible proclaims that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and to day, and forever (Hebrews 13:8); not a lousy Christmas tree! It's blasphemy to attribute such omnipotence to a Christmas tree.
Yeah, this coming from someone whose religion stole the Pagan yule to gain some more converts over a thousand years ago. Same deal with Easter (but at least they kept the Goddess's name on the holiday). These sanctimonious whiners are trying to "take back" Halloween too.
I need a bumper sticker that says, "Keep Sol in Winter Solstice." Would love to see how many heart attacks it causes.
Kid Cthulhu has spoken.
I can see the head line now "Man in Guam kills self, blames "O Christmas Tree" of robbing humanity of it's decency."
Seriously it looks like David is reaching his final days.
Go on David, keep ramping up that blood pressure!
It's Ok, Jesus himself will hold the walls of your arteries together.
"If people don't care about the sin of abortion, and they don't care about the sin of homosexuality, and they don't care about the evil public schools, and they don't care about the evils of drunkenness; then pray tell me, what makes you think that they'll care ABOUT ANYTHING ELSE???"
Anything else? Like your child molestation, Mr. Stewart?
It wasn't yesterday, today and forever, of course, but I once kept a Christmas tree going for six years.
We deserve a Police State
But I thought you hated police states, right?
If people don't care about the sin of abortion, and they don't care about the sin of homosexuality, and they don't care about the evil public schools, and they don't care about the evils of drunkenness; then pray tell me, what makes you think that they'll care ABOUT ANYTHING ELSE???
Homosexuality, abortion, and public schools are not sinful. They care about other things because they actually fucking matter (well, most of them, anyway).
Drunkenness is a social ill, so... I guess 1 right is better than 0 right?
You really don't know what psychosis is, Davie. And since when did "how lovely are thy branches" translate to "you are the omnipotent creator?" By that logic, we're worshipping everything from Chris Hemsworth to my Mom's stew. And while it is some very good stew, I certainly wouldn't trust it to be the caretaker of a universe.
We deserve a Police State, for being complacent and tolerating sin.
A pedo criminal in favor of a police state? I think my funny bone broke. Also, didn't you commit a sin of lust yourself by being a pedo? Hypocrites don't have much right to talk.
Stewart discovers the Stones... In a decade or so, he will be harping about Freddy Mercury.
And the Christmas tree is a pagan tradition chrstians stole (among other things, including the date of Christmas). Your whole religion is a laundry lists of thefts from others. So much for a revealed religion.
If people don't care about their sinful nature then why do you keep fucking gabbing on about it at them? It's not going to change their minds. At best it'll hurry you along in finding out of you were right about god and the afterlife one of these days. And if you don't want your celebratory practices to seem out of the keeping with your religion then maybe you should stop fucking copying them from other religions. Inconsistencies are an inevitability when you try to get ahead by simply ripping others' ideas off.
@Indicible :
Actually he's pretty big on Freddy. Seems to have a bit of a man crush on him, actually, but his chosen delusions sadly prevent him from handling it properly and so he resorts to fucking little kids instead.
"Americans have been lulled into a semi-unconscious state of psychosis."
So David sees himself as something like that bearded guy who broke in on TV in They Live:
"We are in an artificially induced state of consciousness which resembles sleep!"
Dude, 'Christmas Tree' is a misnomer. I don't know about the original lyrics, but 'Oh Tannenbaum' does not translate into Christmas Tree, and can easily be taken to refer to the celebration of the winter season.
Of course, this sort of logic makes even Dean Martin's 'Let it Snow' sinful. And who are you to pick on Dino?
"O Tannenbaum" uses the Christmas tree as a metaphor for faithfulness. Christians use another piece of wood as a metaphor for the faithfulness of Jesus. I fail to see how the purity of the evergreen tree is evil compared to the savagery of the cross. By the way David, isn't the cast of "Glee" a little old for your taste?
I agree! I think you Christians should get your own tv networks and radio stations and places to pray then you won't have to be offended by secular outlets ,,, ,oh,, wait Dave.
You don't have to watch Glee or the Disney channel at all Dave, you don't have to be getting upset about regular folks activities and how teenage girls dress these days.
I guess it's like a lot of folk say, religions no fun unless you can force the misery on others.
And again
Who's harshing Christmas?
I pray for God to punish our nation.
That's all well and good since you don't live here, isn't it, Dave?
See? Being stuck in Guam for fucking children is not without it's benefits.
I'm actually amazed that David J Kiddie Shtupper hasn't choked to death on his own rage yet. I wonder what he thinks of David Bowie.
@ KittyKaboom-upon seeing the beauty that is Chris Hemsworth, I briefly questioned if there may be a god after all. There indeed is, & his name is Thor. I don't think there's a heterosexual woman alive that wouldn't want to try a piece of that.
Most of our American culture today is anti-God and anti-Christianity
An excerpt from the Fundie Standard Dictionary:
Anti-Christian (adj)- 1) Not talking about Christianity 24/7. 2) Allowing gays and atheists to exist. 3) Not letting Christians dominate everyone else into submission.
Anti-God (adj)- 1) Not following the Bible the same way I do. See also: Anti-Christian
We deserve a Police State, for being complacent and tolerating sin.
I don't know about having a police state but I'd love to see you in the hands of the state police. No more tolerating your sins.
While the Lizard King was great at working the whole sex, drugs & rock n roll lifestyle, & he did look pretty fuckable in those leather pants, he was most likely so drunk or stoned that he was incapable of getting it up, thereby rendering him useless. Plus, I understand he didn't shower very often. Perhaps I'm just too picky, but lacking even basic hygiene is a deal breaker.
Oh, and...
If people don't care about the sin of abortion, and they don't care about the sin of homosexuality, and they don't care about the evil public schools, and they don't care about the evils of drunkenness;
You know what this sounds like? It sounds like, "Waaah, people are doing things I don't get to do!"
"'O Christmas Tree' is no better than 'Sympathy For The Devil' by The Rolling Stones."
I don't even LIKE "Sympathy for the Devil", but seriously, how dare you compare Christmas carols with actual music?
"I mean, the Bible proclaims that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and to day, and forever"
Because the Bible is totally a reliable source.
Most of our American culture today is anti-God and anti-Christianity
The USA is the most Christian country on earth, with the possible exception of Vatican City.
We deserve a Police State, for being complacent and tolerating sin
Then why do your lot constantly whine that Obama is creating one?
We spit on God as a nation.
I spit on your god as an individual.
It's blasphemy to attribute such omnipotence to a Christmas tree.
Of course, this sort of logic makes even Dean Martin's 'Let it Snow' sinful.
I worked with a fundie at a big box hardware store that plays insessant Xmas Muzak 24/7 from Black Friday 'til Xmas Day. Oh! But he was sorely butt hurt when any song came on not about the J-Man. Jingle Bells, Rudolph, Mommy Kissing Santa Claus - all were damning a sinful nation to hell!!!!1!2!@!!
BTW...Black Friday - wasn't he the guy with Robbie Crusoe?
It was more of a government tyranny when the Church ruled in Europe during the medieval times, silly.
If people don't care about the sin of shellfish eating, and they don't care about the sin of mixing meat and dairy produce, and they don't care about the sin of wearing clothes of mixed fabrics, and they don't care about the sin of cutting hair and beard, and they don't care about the sin of touching a menstruating woman, what makes you think that they care ABOUT ANYTHING ELSE???
We DO care about our fellow humans, that's exactly why we reject the dangerous myth of deities!
Abortion/reproductive rights, homosexuality, public schools, are all part of liberty and freedom, stupid!
The winter solstice was celebrated with tannenbaums long before the Nordic people were told about Jesus, stupid.
Jesus, if he existed at all, was born in spring, during lambing seasons. The Bible says so.
> Thank you Skeletor. And now a word from our other guest...
No; don't insult Skeletor by comparing him to David J. Stewart. At least ol' bonehead successfully summoned several evil spirits; DJS has yet to summon his god.
"'O Christmas Tree' is no better than 'Sympathy For The Devil' by The Rolling Stones."
"It's blasphemy to attribute such omnipotence to a Christmas tree."
Having spent two hours putting a Christmas tree up a few days ago, I now agree with this guy...
Blasphemy is anything which mocks, speak evil of, or attempts to replace God.
An offense against an imaginary being, like speaking ill of the Easter Bunny.
I'll get to the blasphemous term X-MAS in a moment
Come on, Dave, I'm waiting expectantly...
" I pray for God to punish our nation."
That is real classy, fuckface. Fortunately for your nation, nobody's listening to your prayers
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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