actually i can tell you someone who has said that one of my coworkers was tlaking to someone else about religion and how its the greatest casue or WAR/DEATH in the world today.
i told him, rather loudly, that it is ATHEISTS who are the killers
ill name a few
hitler who only killed ... what 6 million jews?
the KKK who seems to hate just about everyone
the communists
and some of you have mentioned others as well
Wow, that's an ignorant co-workers, talking on about "religion and how its the greatest casue or WAR/DEATH in the world today ".
What "today"? Hasn't he heard of the Crusades? Or the expansion of Islam that all but wiped out Zoroastrianism? The wars between the Catholics and the Hugenots in 16th century France? I could go on...
To restrict the scope of the conversation to purely modern events really demanded swift and decisive intervention.
Such a shame that only Sir (one wonders who gave him his knighthood) ChatsALot was on hand to take up the "call-to-arms". As it were.
Hitler: I'm not certain the exact religion that Hitler was, but he certainly was not an Atheist. He involved "God" and "Creator" quite often in his speeches?
KKK: Ermm... they are pretty much all Christians. You aren't even close.
communists: Ah, that whole "Atheists are all communists" canard coming up again. Wrong. Next!
There are a GIGANTIC amount of more wars and atrocities started by religious folk than by Atheists.
The Crusades
The "Witch Trials"
Jewish Persecution..
I could go on and on here...
I know I'm going to take some flak for this, but I find the unqualified "Hitler was a Christian"-response to be about as silly as the unqualified "Hitler was an atheist"-line of the fundies.
Hitler's relation to Christianity were ambiguous at best, and most other Nazi leaders were (obviously) openly hostile towards it.
Referencing Himmler's obscure mysticism and the general anti-rational sentiment of the Nazi movement would do much more to defeat the "teh atheists murder!" argument than "But Hitler was teh Christian!".
Leave the uninformed statements to the fundies. This site defeats itself if it replies to them in kind.
Oh Edit button, how I wish you would work.
So there was just one instance of such a generic statement here. While it has been annoying me in other threads, I apologize for the, um, generic statement here. (The irony, yes).
Hitler was a devout catholic, and took the Vatican's silence on his excesses to be a sign of approval.
BTW, all SS personnel had to be christians and they slaughtered 18 million unarmed civilians for the greater good.
The logo on EVERY Nazi soldiers belt buckle was "God is with us"
The KKK only accept christians as members, and members of thier families must also be christian.
Habving lived in a "communist" country most of my life, devout christians were accepted unless they actively disrupted state affairs.
You think Hitler was an atheist? You mean you can be an atheist and occultist? Hitler believed in the powers of astrologers and communicating with extra-dimensional aliens. Hitler's personal guard, the SS, had Nordic lightening bolts for one of their symbols. This would indicate a pagan theology. No, he wasn't X-tian, but he was religious.
"i told him, rather loudly, that it is ATHEISTS who are the killers
ill name a few
hitler who only killed ... what 6 million jews?"
('Gott Mit Uns' translated is 'God With Us' for the hard of thinking like Sir. Chatsalot)
"the KKK who seems to hate just about everyone"
Last time I heard, the KKK were (and still are) right-wing Fundamentalist Christians.
"the communists"
Stalin (who was Russian Orthodox Church), Kim Il-sung/Jong-il had/have a Cult of Personality = religion.
"actually i can tell you someone who has said that one of my coworkers was tlaking to someone else about religion and how its the greatest casue or WAR/DEATH in the world today."
In all of recorded history, 75% of all wars were as a result of religion. Imagine how different things would've been if there was no religious belief whatsoever?:
'Nothing to kill or die for,
And no religion too.'
-"Imagine", John Lennon
Let's see... between the mass murder and inbreeding in the Old Testament, the early attempts by the Church to stamp out paganism in Western Europe with a bibble in one hand and a sword in the other, the Crusades(all nine of them), the various Papal Inquisitions(of which the Spanish one was just a tiny fraction), the American Witch-Hunts(and the bigger ones in England that killed hundreds of innocent people),
and the KKK/Skinhead movements, I think it is safe to say that the world would be better off without Christianity.
And by the way, people who do bad things in the name of Materialism are Nihilists and Materialists, not atheists, so please, stop being a brain-dead retard who spouts words he doesn't understand.
This is FAIL of the ultimate degree.
I don't know what the greatest cause of war or death in the world is. Unless your coworker has data to back up that claim, I agree that you have every right to call BS on his statement. I agree that it was also perfectly fair to point out that there have been atheists who have committed atrocious crimes.
HOWEVER, I would actually manage to name people that were actually atheists. You know, people like Stalin and Pol Pot and Mao Zedong. I highly doubt that atheism caused them to be mass murderers (I think that the whole Communism thing was kind of more important.)
I would not mention Hitler. You could argue that Hitler was an atheist. But, as The Credible Hulk pointed out, Hitler's actual religious views are ambiguous at best. He certainly publicly declared himself to be a Christian. Most of the Nazi soldiers who carried out Hitler's orders were certainly Christian. (I think that Hitler's religious beliefs are largely irrelevant, because they weren't the for the mass murder committed by the Nazis at Hitler's command. I think the whole fascist, National Socialist thing was kind of more important.)
And the KKK, uh, you have to be Christian to join the KKK. This isn't to say that the KKK act as disgustingly as they do because they are Christian. I think the whole white supremacist thing is a more important factor in the KKK's actions. Crazy idea, I know.
And as for the KKK hating just about everyone . . .
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