Justin #fundie ca.answers.yahoo.com
It is modern 'atheist' thinking that abandoned and mocked the natural cycles of disease and immunity established by GOD and nature, spending vast treasures, (of other people's stolen resources), to invent and maintain 'vaccines' which save lives in the short term, (allowing overpopulation to occur), artificially extending lives while offering no 'legacy' of permanent inheritable immunity to future generations, who end up dependent on that unsustainable technology while growing weaker and weaker genetically. A massive 'die off' is inevitable which will still not result in genetically inherited immunity, though it will address overpopulation anyway, making the entire point to vaccines moot, only leaving us extremely weak and vulnerable to future die offs.
We have the knowledge and technology to actually face disease directly instead, surviving its full rigors and passing along permanent 'gifts' to our posterity instead of dying young anyway from drug overdoses, cancers, lethal sexual diseases and stupid accidents marching headlong into some bizarre vision of 'progress' without GOD or any appreciation of His creative design.