/Jesus never intended for any of us to be colored. It was all an accident. The Jews were accidents, too, and the Muslims./
That must come as a surprise to Jesus, since he and his mother were both Jewish.
/To make it as a black person, you need to act white./
Let me guess, "acting white" is equivalent to being fluent in Shakespearean English and wearing a suit every day. There must be no such thing as rednecks, then, or "white trash" as the less respectful term. Do they "act white?"
/If the US could bleach all the dark-skinned people, we'd make a lot of money./
No, we'd waste money and be sued for discrimination while we're at it. Not to mention that guys who are turned on by dark-skinned women and women who are turned on by dark-skinned men would be really ticked off.
/We should let the sissy homosexuals into our military so that we can get rid of them, just like we did with the blacks./
Well, at least here's one advocate for equality in the military that fundies will listen to. Too bad that this person's advocating it for the wrong reasons.
/Italians wished they were as good as the United States./
Are you Italian? Do you speak with Italians on a regular basis? Are you aware that Italian-Americans make up one of the most common ethnic groups in the United States? Of course not.
/I'm scared to get on a plane if they let passengers with turbans or head pieces on./
Don't worry, nobody wants you as a fellow plane passenger, anyway. I certainly wouldn't.
/People from India smell like curry./
Odd, a few of my friends are Indian and I've never thought that they've smelled like curry. Oh, wait, I forgot, it's just another lame, stupid stereotype.
/I get paranoid that every Arab that I meet will bomb my church./
If you ask me, THEY are the ones who have more of a right to be paranoid that idiots like you will bomb their mosques.
/Turbans must stink because of all the sweat./
Like hats, headscarves, and every other conceivable head covering out there in the world? How immature.
/There are many fucking gay retarded Greek men on this application./
As a Greek-American, I personally take offense to that. Just because my ancestors tolerated homosexuality does not mean that all of our men are gay. It would be curious to see how my dad and grandfather would respond, since they've both been married to their respective wives for many years. I suspect that they would either laugh in your face or call you an imbecile in Greek behind your back.
/Jesus may not have been white, but he wasn't black either./
You're right; he was Middle-Eastern. You know, one of those "accidents" whom the U.S. should "bleach?"
/White people are better looking to me./
Granted, everyone has their preferences. Some people prefer freckles, others prefer creamy skin. Some prefer blondes, others prefer redheads. But the only reason that that statement applies to you is because you are an idiotic, racist hick.