Anonymous Coward #conspiracy
Reptilians hate Jews! and are responsible for anti semetism!!!
ALL the royal families or Europe have discriminated against, and persecuted Jews through much of Europe's history because all the royal families are reptilians, they don't discriminate against Jews these days because they have lost all their power like they deserve!
Reptilians are technically alien animals, possessed by demons, and demons of course hate Gods chosen people, and that is why reptilians hate Jews, and using their powers to gain high places in power, like the royal familes, Hitler, the rulers of the Catholic church!!! have caused mass anti semetism, and discrimination against Jews for eons!
They have done that by making up so much propaganda against Jews to get humans to hate and fear them, to hurt and try to destroy the Jews!
Reptilians have tried to destroy the Jews for all of history, but they have always failed time after time.
It is the reptilians who should be destroyed, they hate all of humanity, but they hate the Jews the most.
Every ethnic group has a few reptilians in them, and the Jews do not have any more reptilians in percentage than any other group of people does!
Obviously the common Jewish people are not bad when reptilians being demons hate what is good, if the Jews were evil, and even reptilians(lol) then the reptilians would really like the Jews, and would treat the Jews much better!