to deny God one has to abandon all common sense and truth....and that's what creationists are up against on this board from the likes of evolutionists: total abandonment of truth and common sense.
"to deny God one has to abandon all common sense and truth...."
Good sense is not very common.
As common sense refers to assuming that the obvious answer is the true answer, common sense is often wrong.
That being said, belief in God or any god is senseless.
"and that's what creationists are up against on this board from the likes of evolutionists: total abandonment of truth and common sense."
The major problem creationists face is that they have none of the evidence supporting their contentions.
And, as I said before, stuporspurt, common sense and truth are not the same thing.
I think that this guys don´t realise that if a group of dullards, no matter how few they are, believe in God and make nonsense in his name, not many people are keen to acept it as a proof of truth and let alone common sense.
Yeah, God makes a woman out of a guy's rib, then this witch gives her an apple and she eats it and falls asleep (no, wait, that's Snow White) - OK, actually, a talking snake gives her the fruit, and she eats it and this places a curse on all of her descendents for thousands of generations, until this guy (who's actually the same one who put the curse on in the first place, but is also his own son) has himself tortured to death by her descendents; and somehow, his death convinces him to remove the curse of the woman eating the fruit and let her descendents off the hook even if they're murderer and rapists as long as they believe the story. Now that's common sense! [/sarcasm]
The problem in the very bottom is that this person thinks that Christianity is fixed by default, that any "deviation", including agnosticism or other religions, is just a run-away Christian who will understand the "evident" sooner or later. The problem is, imagine this idiot goes to say, Saudi Arabia. Of course, maybe we can´t reduce our belief, whatever it is, to reason, but we can make sure that our tenets of faith are defendible and reasonable uprooted from a default environment.
If your TruthTM was so obvious and undeniable, the entire world would be bowing down to your god. That they don't is a pretty powerful argument against yours being the correct, and only, position.
To believe in God is to rely on fallacies, overconfidence, tradition, and "common sense" and to subsequently deny logic and facts. That's what people who try to deal with creationist idiocy are up against.
“to deny God one has to abandon all common sense”
I had questions about the faith as i was taught it. I actually examined the answers i was given. Most people have no fucking idea what they’re saying, it’s just what they were told when (if) they asked questions. All platitudes and IOUs for answers. Also, attackingME for daring to ask them. And if i asked further questions because ’You’ll understand one day’ didn’t actually answer me, i got yelled at .
It’s not common sense to just accept ‘you have to trust God’ as an explanation for a confusing claim.
"and truth....”
I still believed in God when i left the church i was raised in. But no one has any better answers except people like Ray Comfort or Hovind, and they make their answers up as they need them. They can’t evidence them, not really.
So, no one was offering any truth that was any different than made-up-shit. I realized no one had an actual line on the Truthiness of God. The atheism grew naturally out of that.
"and that's what creationists are up against on this board from the likes of evolutionists:”
No. It’s not that people reject truth, it’s that skeptical people don’t just accept your pronouncements as truth, not without some evidence. And not taking your claims at face value puts you at a disadvantage, because you took someone else’s claims uncritically.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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