Anonymous Coward #fundie
Let's accept the Bible as inerrant in the sense that it has come to us in the form that our Creator has intended that we should have it.
This is to say, let's all agree that any Being Who could generate and sustain this universe could create it in 6 actual days as we experience days, or view from a relative perspective the creation in 15 billion years as 6 days, or have it be True in some other sense we cannot comprehend.
Also, Let's all agree that an Entity of such power could create an actual angelic being that could turn evil, or it could be True metaphor, allegory, figurative personification of the evil destructive chaotic forces in the universe.
Why do so many have trouble putting faith in the Scriptures? Let's all just assume that this universe is a testing grounds and that providing information in a form that is any more undeniable would be the equivalent of the teacher writing the answers on the blackboard just before the test. Logically, it would defeat the entire purpose of the exercise.
With these points granted for the sake of the exploration, let's proceed...
The universe is created in 6 "days". Mankind is created during the sixth "day". Mankind exists in a cruel savage wretched insane state because it follows the brutal impulses and evil lusts instead of natural Law that elevates and produces conditions of decency and pleasantness.
The Creator rests for a "day", and ON THE EIGHTH "DAY" generates an improved version of man. The Creator forms the new man from pre-existing "dust" and "clay". Dust is microscopic bodies and clay is dust in a water solution. An example of sixth day man(666), a MALE, provides the DNA to be reworked into Adam. Adam now has a set of VASTLY improved chromosomes. Adam IS A MALE WITH XY CHROMOSOMES. This new type is far less inclined to evil and far more receptive to the Spirit, innocence, and higher thought. Our Creator takes a sample of Adams cells and removes a couple of the X chromosomes and replaces a couple of the Y chromosomes in Adam's other cells. XXEve is the result.
All is going great. The pair have perfected bodies of health and strength and perceptiveness. Childlike lustrous skin, no unnecessary body hair, perfect form and beauty...
...Then one day a stereotypical example of 6th "day" man comes strutting into the Garden. He's in good shape. He has to be to survive 5 minutes in the world of the 6th day types. He is from the same region as Adam, so there can be no questions of race. He also has the animalistic spirit of his type. A shrewd manipulator and scammer, driven by the basest and most cruel lusts. He is psychopathic in a mad world. To the extent he has faith, it is in Luciferian entities including the perverted elevation of hermaphrodites into examples of demigods.
He jive-talks Eve into letting him sample the fruits of her garden. The little skank resents that mean patriarchal OverLord and his stupid rules. He gets to "know" Eve and she calls in Adam and has him "know" her and "know" Mr6. The rest are not curses of The LORD but an allegorical description of the natural consequences of their actions. The Serpent will be down on his belly sucking up the slimey "dust" all the time, Eve will give birth with pain and desire her husband to help her, Adam will have to labor constantly to provide, and they all get kicked out of Paradise. Cain is an example of what happens when paternity is highly suspect.
We have XYAdam, XXEve, and the savage cruel vomitously depraved unhinged psychopathic type driven by the most evil and base lusts and impulses. Those dominated by the 6th Day Man Spirit will even elevate "transsexuals" and hermaphrodites to examples of enlightened superior man.
Normal natural healthy masculinity is actually the hermaphrodite. He is XY and more well-rounded. XX Femininity is compensated with a double portion of the best chromosomes.
The cruel psychopaths and their nasty willing psychopathic tools impose all their horrors on the world in pursuit of Baphomet insanity and domination.