I really can not tell you if I was awake or sleep when this happened. I baby sit my little niece at night and she was sleeping beside me. I felt a cold draft come in and I woke up to see if my niece was covered. She wasn’t and I started to cover her.
I wear contacts so when I don’t have them one anything 10 feet away is a little blurry. I notice while I was covering my niece up my front door was open. When I looked to see why, I saw this BLACK figure, DARK BLACK FIGURE! It looked like it was some type of being covered in black cloth. It was trying to come into my home but I just gave it this look like DIE! I started praying but I didn’t speak. All I know is that it knew I was staring at him. Since I didn’t have my contacts on I cant give you a full description. This thing was nothing but 2 to 2 ½ feet tall.
I woke up this morning to check my door and it was locked. You would think that explains everything but NO I don’t.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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