My church had no mention of the event. Mother Earth is the worship of the false Greek god Gaia. Earth day isn't as benign as claimed. If you don't have Jesus, I guess you have to seek something.
If you don't have Jesus, I guess you have to seek something. There it is again, the 'everyone is religous' fallacy.
No, atheists don't replace the worship of God with the worship of something else. We remove the worshiping outright. Get it straight.
My church had no mention of the event. 'I'm sorry, but I don't dare think on my own, and I haven't yet consulted Der Führer on this issue. Answer pending'.
Fundie in a nutshell.
This is also an example of someone trying to declare a rival point of view a religion, in order to have a reason to stay away from it. Disgusting.
Your church has not mentioned the event.............because for them, the survival of the species is no sex before marriage, not destroying our abode and, for that matter, be prepared to help others in case the worst comes. The one with void spirtuality is you, dear.
To a Fundamentalist, there is a demon hiding behind every rock and around every corner, waiting to attack them, despite the promise of their so-called god to protect them.
An atheist, however, has no such fears--he knows such things are pure superstition and do not exist, thus freeing up his time to deal with real problems.
"If you don't have Jesus, I guess you have to seek something."
No, not deities anyway. Remember us atheists. We may seek knowledge, but not the supernatural.
The Earth Mother, or Earth Goddess has existed since at least the Upper Paleolithic era, and the last time I checked, that was 10-40,000 years ago.
That beats your jesus by 8-38,000 years.
Mother Earth check and mate.
Earth Day is about taking care of the environment, you twit. There's nothing religious about it.
There are no mentions of pagan practices, no rituals, and there's nothing occultic about recycling.
You're just pissed because people get together to try to tell you not to fuck up the planet.
Yes, you wouldn't want to go and do something good for the environment without checking with the elders first would you? Thankfully for you, there's nothing in your code book bible to tell you to take care of the planet and the living things on it. Oh wait, there is. You lose.
Funny, a lot of christian denominations participated in our local celebration of Earth Day. (True, there was one contigent of catholic fascist fuckwits advocating something about improving the "environment for the unborn," but all the rest of them were decent folks who care more about real, actual human beings than cell clusters.) The point is, it seems that fundies are the only ones who missed the biblical directive about being good stewards of the earth.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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