Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

Ebola is a cover for the Vaccine Parasites (viruses) that are about to activate on mass scale
Ebola is a cover for the viruses they injected the population with.

The vaccine parasites (viruses) are about to activate on a MASS scale!

Iron is accumulating at an unprecedented rate. Iron intake & absorption is at its highest level. Parasites must have a host with an iron supply to thrive & replicate.
[link to]

Disease, symptoms, conditions, deaths; are increasing exponentially in prevalence due to the iron & low copper status.

The vaccine parasites are set to activate on a mass scale NOW.

The self-appointed “authorities” are aware of this, and are announcing preparations for epidemics, pandemics, endemics.

They describe symptoms, rename diseases, in such a manner to deceive the population.

But, it is all the same – nano-parasites they injected the population with by force & threats, in conjunction with iron poisoining.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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