"A two-time candidate for governor who is charged with attempting to “entice” a 13-year-old girl and her 11-year-old sister to engage in “illegal sexual activity” says the allegations against him stem from a misunderstanding."
Once again the government ought to be minding its own f'ing business. This kind of anti-men hate campaign really burns my biscuits.
There's laws preventing such activity to begin with--and it's because the law presumes neither person is fully capable of consenting. That is NOT anti-men.
I'll agree with bob insofar that generally the government should mind its own business, but there are times when society needs to prevent people like you from doing this kind of shit. Preventing kids from being sexually harmed is one of those legit things. Suffice it to say, I don't think our, er, friend bob here knows that difference.
As for anti-men, well, this guy makes ANYBODY who favours actual equality between the sexes look like a bigot. He really needs to sit down and let the adults talk...
He fails. Miserably. Anybody have that train wreck/Epic fail pic handy?
That is all...
for J. Random Lurker:
bobx23456 deserves this:
According to the story, he did nothing wrong. Actually click the links and read before drawing conclusions.
Although bob's last comment on the thread is disgusting as it was not the girls who complained about the harmless comment, it was their grandmother.
*sigh* Another example of the pedophile hysteria gone out of control.
Fucked up, yes. Fundie? I'm not so sure. There's no mention of God, Christianity, anti-evolution, anti-science etc etc.
Ok, people, did any of you actually read the article? This is why people complain that their comments are taken out of context. Yes, bobx is a complete asshole, but at least read before commenting.
The rights of the girls are more important to the a pervert adult. I think it's the government's fucking business. Or are you saying now that men's rights include pedophilia?. Because, you know, then you can't use that argument when you complain about homosexuals.
Umm...if someone is trying to rape children, I would say that's the government's business you disgusting piece of shit. I just cannot believe how many people there are on the internet who will openly defend child molestation and act like there's nothing wrong with them. You don't deserve to live, asshole.
According to the article, one of the girls smiled at him and he said (to their grandmother): "Ma'am, do you want to trade them girls for a good fattening hog?" (referring to the practice of giving an animal as a marriage dowry). He had made the same remark earlier to a woman and a girl.
What gets me is, why would you even say that to strangers? It's not a normal reaction to a smile. This man is a councillor and should know better than to make quasi-sexual remarks about little girls. All those assholes on that thread are bleating about humorless women - like the grandmother isn't allowed to get mad that some creepy man made an innuendo about her grandkids. If a stranger in a store approached me and spoke like that, I'd be wondering what the hell he'd been smoking.
Calling some pedophile a 'man' is the insult here.
Given how we're consistently portrayed in the media, the LAST thing us men need is people thinking we're the same as some geezer who likes it better when they're still looking like a little boy on top of it all.
Its bad enough the average marketing campaign claims us as functionally retarded in any comparison where women are involved whatsoever. Up to and most likely including penis size.
that's just because guys are the ones doing all the pedophilia and rape.
There's no hot adult women going around raping little boys.
but I'm sure if there were... we'd, um...
Hmm. Lost my train of thought.
So, if the government mingles when one guy is breaking the law is anti-men. In that case, WTF would we have laws and a state, for that matter? However, you'd not say the same if the person in question is a woman, would you?
From what I gather here the two-time candidate's remark was crude but harmless. The guy is probably not the most sophisticated Billy Bob to waddle down the cow path.I suspect he was trying to compliment the girls because they are pretty. I also suspect that the grandmother is a fundy loon. As to bobx, based on other postings he's just a sad, sad excuse for a human.
A two-time candidate for governor who is charged with attempting to “entice” a 13-year-old girl and her 11-year-old sister to engage in “illegal sexual activity” says the allegations against him stem from a misunderstanding
How in the name of fuck is child molestation a fucking "misunderstanding" ?
Once again the government ought to be minding its own f'ing business. This kind of anti-men hate campaign really burns my biscuits.
And just how is preventing child sexual abuse "anti-men" ? And why is a government full of men going to wage an "anti-men" campaign?
Um, last time I checked, it WAS the responsibility of the Government to check into allegations of sexual assault, especially against minors.
How much do you want to bet that the candidate in question is Republican? And evangelical Christian at that!
@Giveitaday- No children were molested, read the article before jumping to conclusions. The guy made a comment about how cute the girls were and their hypersensitive grandma overreacted to it. He said nothing sexual to them nor did he try to do anything.
Oh noes! It's no longer considered proper to ogle little girls! Whatever shall we do?
I read the article. If that guy is indeed telling the truth that he didn't mean anything by the remark, he still should've thought about the consequences and implications of what he was saying, especially since he actually says that he had a minor misunderstanding of the same statement earlier.
In short: If he's not a child molestor, he should still be punished for his incredible display of stupidity.
Just like Bobbo.
@Stogoe: Yeah, a cursory look through that topic is kind of disturbing. Everyone is reminiscing about how it used to be O.K. to make remarks about child abduction, and to take pictures of other people's kids, and shit, and of course the usual garbage about how the government/feminists/liberals/manginas/the kitchen sink has turned the world into a shithole. From my time there, I've learned that if there's one thing those people can't do, it's grow up and take responsibility for themselves.
Read the article, sounds more like a stupid asshole then a pedophile. I mean, if you really were a pedophile would go around asking grandmothers if you could "buy" their grandaughters? I think that pedophiles are a little more surruptitious then that.
This just doesn't make logical sense to me.
I've read the original article, and am afraid I have to agreed with ol' Bob for once. Just typing that makes me feel dirty, but in this particular instance I can't see anything more than an overreaction to a joke.
So, Bob, the government should mind its own business when it comes to REAL child molestors (and yes, I know that the governor didn't mean to say that to the girls, but I don't think that Bob would care even if the governor WERE an actual predator), but it's perfectly free to interfere in the business of two consenting adults of the same gender by forbidding them to marry each other?
Protecting children from predators is NOT anti-men. Not all child molestors are men. If children are attacked and molested by a female predator, it is the government's responsibility to punish her and keep her from hurting any more children, just as it is its responsibility to punish male sex offenders.
I really hope that you don't have any children, but I can't imagine you laughing much if a man raped your son or daughter. Something tells me that you'd be "humorless" too.
The government is minding the girl's business. Even if the ogler didn't mean anything with his remark, he acted stupidly. Children need someone to act on their behalf.
It's not anti-men, it's pro-children's-safety. If one or two men are falsely accused, maybe that's worth it, if eighteen children are not molested.
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