i do not consider fags human, i will no longer argue and communicate with them. i do not argue with dogs and cats, i consider dogs and cats superior than fags. the homosexuals are out of control and swiftly bringing the demiss of our once proud, one nation under GOD country. GOD BLESS ARKANSAS!! they have a new law in 2009 that does not allow fags and dykes the right of adopting, which needs to be enacted in 49 more states!!
Trollish, but...can you please explain how someone is no longer human just because their partner has the same thing in their pants? Or, y'know..how someone is no longer human just because their partner is a different race. *sigh*
Last year I would have said DIAF, but my New Year's resolution is to be more tolerant. Now I say "hate the Fundie belief, but love the believer". And I mean that as sincerely as they do with "hate the sin".
Heh. What Lawlessman obviously doesn't realize is that, given the percentage of the population that's gay, there may be a gay guy delivering his mail. Or a lesbian serving him lunch. Or ... you pick the activity. If he wants to shun all gays, he'd better get back in his cave. Shouldn't be a long trip.
It's a cliche, but I do think my choc lab is superior to some humans I know, and they are all straight by the way.
Arkansas needs to pass a new education law regarding grammer, punctuation, and learning to speak without derogatory name calling.
It appears that you are far less superior to the rest of the human race.
The problem is obviously how can you tell that somebody is homosexual? If there were only some kind of distinguishing mark...
Oh, hold on, I know... "not consider them human", "bringing the demise of a once proud nation"... I knew I'd heard that before somewhere:
(For the uninitiated, these are the various concentration camp badges to be worn in the Third Reich. Homosexuals are the pink ones, third from the right)
Oh holy crap what tha... Oh, Arkansas, nevermind...
And as for the adopting thing, that's right. The last thing we need around here is kids with no parents finding loving homes. It's more important to keep em in foster care or with abusive parents so we can make the gay community miserable, right?
Fucking bastard.
"GOD BLESS ARKANSAS!! they have a new law in 2009 that does not allow fags and dykes the right of adopting, which needs to be enacted in 49 more states!!"
This law had the nice effect of actually disallowing any unmarried or single parents from adopting, regardless of sexuality. So your bigotry has ensured that qualified parents with the ability and desire to provide a supportive loving home...can't.
Kids are less important than hate. Congratulations. You've shown another way that lack of religion makes me a better person.
fuck Arkansas if thats true (im too lazy and tired to look it up...it is 3am down under).
Your opinion makes no difference as to the humaness of homosexuals, considering im fairly certain my DNA still makes me a homo sapien. do you also distinguish between dogs and cats who engage in homosexual behaviour and those who dont? America is not under God any more than i am under a pink cloud thats raining pixie dust.
Bring on the middle ages!
What a redneck bigot 1 Lawman is. It is no wonder Europe laughs in amazement at America because of ignoramuses like him. Good, decent Americans need to do something about this kind of KKKism.
"the homosexuals are out of control and swiftly bringing the demiss of our once proud, one nation under GOD country."
I knew it! The world hates us for our colorful parades! And here I thought it was our heavy-handed foreign policy and banking and finance atrocities that was bringing us down! /sarcasm
Don't worry so much Lawman104, I'm sure no one wants your ugly ass anyway. Or did one of your girlfriends decide she was a lesbian after sleeping with you?
This is true.
When smokers gather around one of those ashtrays in public, the fags that litter the ground can be quite messy.
Most of the homosexuals I've met don't smoke. And those flood control devices are called dikes. Note the 'i'.
What's your point again?
"(For the uninitiated, these are the various concentration camp badges to be worn in the Third Reich. Homosexuals are the pink ones, third from the right) '
Homosexual in german is Homosexuall?
"This law had the nice effect of actually disallowing any unmarried or single parents from adopting, regardless of sexuality. So your bigotry has ensured that qualified parents with the ability and desire to provide a supportive loving home...can't. "
So since they couldnt pull that BS about kids needing a mom ad dad without someone pointing out that it applies to single and unmarried people to they actually went through with it and banned everyone? Fail more Arkansas. Sadly my state, Texas, probably hinks this is a genius idea. Who cares about the kids when theirs queers who might be equals to us!
From ballotpedia.org:
The Unmarried Couple Adoption Ban is a citizen-initiated state statute that was on the November 4, 2008 ballot in Arkansas. It was approved, making it illegal for any individuals cohabiting outside of a valid marriage to adopt or provide foster care to minors.[1] While the measure was proposed primarily to prohibit same-sex couples from being adoptive or foster parents, this measure also applies to all otherwise qualified couples who are not legally married.
On December 30, 2008, opponents filed a lawsuit in Pulaski County Circuit Court asking a judge to strike down the measure on the grounds that it violates federal and state constitutional rights to equal treatment and due process. The lawsuit has twenty-nine plaintiffs, including adults and children who could be impacted by the measure.[2]
Apparently, it was a ballot initiative, altough one that got much less attention than Prop 8 in California. Even though it was voter-approved, it's being challenged on equal-treatmen grounds, as we can expect Prop 8 to be as well.
"The South is such an intellectual wasteland."
Hey now, there are some of us down here trapped in the bible belt who beg to differ on this. Granted, only some... Okay, a few. But still!
@#891740: Yeah, "homosexual" is "homosexuell" in German (what with it being a Greek & Latin word). On that note, one source of endless mirth is the very small difference in German between "gay" (schwul) and "humid" (schwül).
[i do not consider fags human...i consider dogs and cats superior than fags.]
You are, of course, entitled to your opinions, as long as they do not encroach on the rights of others.
You shitlicking douche.
[i will no longer argue and communicate with them.]
I doubt you could argue and communicate very effectively with them in the first place...so no great loss, there. Go ahead. Pack up your toys and go home.
I keep wondeing why don't all atheists, homosexuals etc. make a gigantic exodus back to Europe and let the retards sink the fucking USA once and for all.
Then once their technologic level is back to the bronze age we can easily make a second colonization.
"i will no longer argue and communicate with them"
Am I to take it then, judging from your pathetic bastardization of the English language, that you aren't keen on the people who read your comments on youtube?
Move to Saudi Arabia if that's the kind of country in which you want to live.
As for Arkansas: I've been there numerous times. You couldn't pay me enough money to make me live in any of those lower midwestern states. A "progressive" down there is someone who's willing to touch a gay person or an atheist. The cost of living is nice, but not at the expense of my sanity. So you can keep Arkansas, ol' boy. Just don't try to force your fascist, theocratic, brutal agenda on people in more intelligent places.
i do not consider jews human, i will no longer argue and communicate with them. i do not argue with dogs and cats, i consider dogs and cats superior than jews. the jews are out of control and swiftly bringing the demiss of our once proud, one nation under GOD country. GOD BLESS GERMANY!! they have a new law in 1938 that does not allow jews the right of living with us, which needs to be enacted in 49 more countries!!
This is how genocides get started.
"one nation under GOD country. GOD BLESS ARKANSAS!!"
So your country is Arkansas now? You forgot you guys lost the Civil War. But then if you'd like to take yourself and your state out of my country I wouldn't mind.
This guy, and the people who post on his channel, are a bunch of dickholes. There's even a 13 year old kid posting the most disturbing, hate filled shit. These people think god favors THEM?
'nuff said.
As a gay man who would rather not interact with you more than this once, allow me to help.
Since you want to avoid contact with all things homosexual, first of all, you can no longer send e-mail.
Then there's this .
Have fun in your cave you fucking bigoted motherfucker.
Funny I see people argue with their dogs all the time. It's true that it's useless to argue with a cat though, they're always right.
As for homosexuals, yeah, they're homo sapiens, like it or not.
I do not consider fundy Christians human. I will no longer argue and communicate with them. I do not argue with dogs and cats, I consider dogs and cats superior to fundy Christians. The fundy Christians are out of control and swiftly bringing the demise of our once proud nation in the name of 'the rapture'.
Ah, so you support fewer adoptions. I guess that means you are ready to pay higher taxes to support the children who are being cared for by the state. No? Okay then.
Oh, better idea, lets give people real and useful education about sexuality, make birth control easily obtainable and as a last resort permit accessibility to abortion. That will reduce the number of children in the system at a fraction of the cost for caring or them. Surely you can support that, right? No? Okay then.
You know, maybe you should think this whole thing through a bit better.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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