I can't even come close to relating to atheism. To accept such a religion I'd be an awfully dangerous man. Nothing would stop me from taking out a few persons....first I'd do the world a favor and behind the scenes be elevated to hero in some cases. The others would just be for gratification and who knows how many children with different mothers I'd have. Steeling...no problem ...someone else claims things to be theirs so why not me....you stuff is mine...don't get in my way or ...well I'll illiminate you....Murder is some manmade word... a thing made up by the haves and the scared. ...you know weak people. It's every man for himself.... and philosophy...fooy on that that's another man made thing that doesn't fit in with the picuture. I'd illiminate them too. Why fear prison...kill them or be killed.
Man a whole new standard of living is developing in me... I better go back to believing in my God or those athiests are going to have to be illiminated. Better back off of that.... The above is rewally true if I fell into that heresy. It's the Father of Lies that convinces those to not believe in God.... Even Satan believes in God.
What's illiminate? Illuminated? Typical brain-washing fundie.
Nevermind, he means eliminate, circular logic.
You are truly one sick fuck. Nothing makes any of those things acceptable... with or without religion. They are that way because we accept as parts of society that it is how we behave and treat others. Religion does not make us play nicely with others. We do so because we expect others to treat us similarly.
If it is only out of fear of your vile deity that you behave, then you are truly a weak and horrible person.
To accept such a religion
Fail in second sentence already. Not too bad, but I bet you could do better!
And now that we know what you REALLY think and what you'd REALLY do if you could get away with it, suppose you wouldn't mind giving your contact info so that us NON-SOCIOPATHS can move out of the neighbourhood (or preferably have you committed).
And what's with the love of full stops here?
"Even Satan believes in God."
Well, yeah, considering both characters were created by man, and man wrote them that way.
"I can't even come close to relating to atheism. To accept such a religion I'd be an awfully dangerous man."
If atheism is a religion it's got to be the most sorry excuse for one that humanity has ever concocted. How is it you people think it's a religion when it has no dogma, holds no ceremonies, believes in no deities and doesn't have any other trappings of any other religion on the planet? By any definition of the word, atheism is not a religion .
"Nothing would stop me from taking out a few persons....first I'd do the world a favor and behind the scenes be elevated to hero in some cases. The others would just be for gratification and who knows how many children with different mothers I'd have. Steeling...no problem ...someone else claims things to be theirs so why not me....you stuff is mine...don't get in my way or ...well I'll illiminate you....Murder is some manmade word... a thing made up by the haves and the scared. ...you know weak people. It's every man for himself.... and philosophy...fooy on that that's another man made thing that doesn't fit in with the picuture. I'd illiminate them too. Why fear prison...kill them or be killed. "
People like you scare me. Seriously. Keep your sky fairy if it'll keep everyone else safe from your sociopathic tendencies.
"Man a whole new standard of living is developing in me... I better go back to believing in my God or those athiests are going to have to be illiminated. Better back off of that.... The above is rewally true if I fell into that heresy. It's the Father of Lies that convinces those to not believe in God.... Even Satan believes in God."
You're scary and I hope like hell some form of authority is taking note of your rambling before it's too late.
....er... what Jonny said. :)
ps. Even Santa believes in Elves, so... they must both be real, right?
Yet all these atheists are wandering around living quite moral lives.
What does that say about you?
And atheism is not a religion and we don't believe in satan either.
There! I've now had it confirmed. I've always wondered if the devout crowd who claim religion is a source of morality aren't really serious shitheads who need some outside force to keep them from being massive dangers to society.
Well, here's some news for the fundies out there.....Not all people are dangerous fuck-nuts like you. Since your betters are around you everyday keeping everything running, how 'bout you just sit in the corner and STFU until you mature a little more.
ah, so without religion you would have a complete lack of control and become a psychopathic killer.
How must it be to be so shallow and devoid of life?
"Christianity is the only true religion, because I'm a sociopath that should be locked away"
You know, I fully believe all these crazy fucks who call atheists 'evil' and list their horrible tendencies are just projecting exactly what they'd do if they weren't being watched constantly by Skydaddy.
>>Why fear prison...kill them or be killed.>>
Why fear prison? I dunno, I figure it's the chances of ass-rape, getting a shiv in the back, or otherwise horrible treatement.
And even assuming that none of these things will happen, what about the massive levels of boredom plus your highly constricted daily activities?
I'd say something about Protestants here, but I realised this was a catholic fundie, so instead:
You're a pretty pathetic excuse for a human being if the only thing keeping you from sociopathy is fear of some sky pixie and his burning back room.
Atheism is not a religion. It's a personal relationship with nothing. :)
(Works for the fundies, so.....)
You know...originally my rationale for not desiring the eventual removal of religion from the public consciousness was that some moderate religious folks drew a lot of strength from their faith, and did so quietly. I always felt that it would be unkind to fully dismiss religion and hope for its banishment from society giving the fact that it gives hope, purpose, and meaning to kind people who may not function as well without the answers offered by their faith.
Looking at this post...I think we need to let people keep their religion intact, not just to act as security blankets for the weak, but to act as cages for the rabid, mindless psychopaths who would go berserk without it...
Funny that they think that they are moral for residing in such a cage, however...
If you need a religion to keep you from killing people, then you are a sick, weak-minded, selfish person.
Oh, and Atheism IS NOT A RELIGION. Nor is agnosticism for that matter.
We could make a haunted house and fill it with people saying things like this. Thrown in your typical chain saws and it would be awesome!!!
Lightness aside, is it possible to report this guy's IP address to the police? There has got to be something there...some kind of security threat?
"Atheism is bad because I'm a psychotic sociopathe and the only reason I haven't acted upon my sick, twisted desires is 'coz God will spank me."
My favourite argument in favour of God's existence!
You would learn to spell and that atheism is not a religion(in the same fashion that bald is not a colour for the hair)and something called reciprocity and empathy. Do you know what it is?, the fact that, if you don't like to be done all that, you have to be consequent and don't do it unto others. And for that, the mere fact of existing and thinking a little is ENOUGH.
Retard! It's bad enough that only the thought of Sky-Daddy's judgment is keeping him from going on a killing spree, he's trying to lump atheists in with his sick delusional fantasies, as if we'd all like to kill, rape, rob and destroy. Ever heard of human decency, fuckwit?
Atheism. Is. Not. A. Religion.
You are one horrifying mother fucker, aren't you? This post is very telling about the state of your mind.
or ...well I'll illiminate you....Murder is some manmade word
All words are man made.
Well, except a few of yours. They're "cunt made"
Obviously you are not moral enough to be an atheist, so you became a Christian. Your personal lack of ethics and self-control means that all that is holding you from evil and mayhem is your fear of eternal punishment, like a mad pitbull on a leash. Then you project you own inability to control yourself without fear of hell, on others who have no problem following "the golden rule" without the "stick" of hell or the "carrot" of eternal life in heaven. Why would anyone allow a disturbed maniac like you around their children?
They way vocatio jumps straight from murder to children out of wedlock, reminds me of an old Norwegian fairy-tale/literaly 'adventure'/joke:
A man is in his death bed, and with the priest he is making a rough estimate on how he will fare at the Pearly Gates. He says: "Some I've cursed, but some I've blessed, so that will eguate. Some I've taken, but some I've given, so that will equate. I've slain one, but bred two, so there I'm one in surplus..."
@protowhalepig: "cunt made" sounds like a degoratory term for "woman made" O_o
Our ancestors tried this...(that is if you can accept the world being more than 6000 years old and all) and learned the hard way about the law of cause and effect; that if you go around killing, raping, stealing there tends to be consequences.
What difference does it make if you fear going to prison or you fear that God will put you in hell? Fear is fear. And what about the people who still do these things because they think the law won't catch them, or that God will forgive or even condone their actions?
"The above is rewally true if I fell into that heresy."
Rewally rewally true?
Aw, isn't that cute!
Religious people are the most dangerous things ever to walk the surface of this planet. (I don't know about Uranus.)
Imagine if one day, somehow, something came along that would eliminate their faith beyond what denial can repair.
They'd kill EVERONE.
Maybe that's why Bush is bombing half the world, he's doubting his own religion so he has to destroy all the other options.
Steeling illuminate fooy picuture illuminate athiests illuminated rewally
The only thing murdered here is the English Language.
Fortunately we Athei sts are sufficiently educated to not do that.
And from such intellectual morality comes human morality: knowledge brings forth Tolerance .
But not of Ignorance .
But we'll humiliate you until you eliminate your ignorant attitude: via the method of savagely pointing and laughing at the egregiously illiterate - i.e. you - re. wally .
Because that's what you are.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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