["Well, duh, but that doesn't tell us anything about whether or not marriage should only be allowed for a male/female couple."]
Do you believe that the definition of gravity should be changed, too? Some people might think the current definition of gravity is unfair.
Ah, then we should go with the definition of marriage that has held for millennia, then: one man, several women and concubines, and some slaves.
Or you could admit that social institutions are just that, socially defined, and that redefining them to suit a modern and diverse society is in the best interest of all.
You say this despite the fact that the recent discovery of the Higgs boson (or at least a particle with Higgs-like qualities) could result in changes to the standard model, which, in turn, could alter our understanding of gravity, if not at a mechanical level, then at least at a quantum level.
So, in other words, we can't allow gay marriage because religious bigots would have to change their definition of marriage?
You do know that words aren't static and their meanings tend to change over time, don't you?
And if we were never going to change the definition of marriage, then we'd still have to pay fathers for marrying their daughters, and we could have multiple wives and concubines.
"Some people might think the current definition of gravity is unfair."
You would have to be a christian to think something so absurd. But then you think a social construct like marriage is like a theory of physics like gravity, so you're already there.
You know as well as anyone else that gravity is not a matter of opinion and it cares (if it could care) not a whit for the opinions of men and their fantasy sky beasts.
Marriage is a personal thing between consenting adults and, unlike gravity, is not a natural phenomenon, nor is it a supernatural dribble fest. So old texts translated from the ancient beardy need not be consulted.
['Well, duh, but that doesn't tell us anything about whether or not marriage should only be allowed for a male/female couple. ']
"Do you believe that the definition of gravity should be changed, too? Some people might think the current definition of gravity is unfair."
The concept of mixed-race marriage being illegal was once considered fair. Do you now understand the gravity of your situation?
Holy mother of false equivalence...
Actually, the law of gravity is unfair in a sense to, say, skydivers with faulty parachutes, but unfortunately, we are only able to change human laws, not the laws of reality itself.
Do you believe that the definition of gravity should be changed, too?
The Bible defines the Moon as a "big light".
You were saying?
Jesus H Christ. Nobody can be that stupid and still breathe, can they?
Mmmmm, I suppose they can. Sadly.
Okay. Who thinks the current definition of gravity is unfair, exactly? Loony Tunes characters? Because sometimes they fall off cliffs right away and other times they can take a few steps and have to look down first...
Even the hole bible has several different examples of marriage. How can anyone even argue that there's only one definition? And which kind of marriage does god like best, then?
Wow, this bastard is actually technically right!
The current definition of gravity is 'unfair' to certain subatomic particles. Like marriage, it works just fine in the majority of cases, but fails horribly in a relatively small number of cases.
"@Sasha, you've got to admit it would be nice if some of these fundies floated off into space, be it as a direct consequence of gay marriage or not..."
Or just ask Princess Celestia...:
We have changed the definition of Gravity loads of times.
It ised to be believed that things fell down because they were 'heavy', then along came Newton who came up with a new way of describing the phenomona. He was followed by others including Einstein who tweaked and changed the definition still further. The more we learn, the more the definition of Gravity changes.
Your analogy fails.
Ah, yes. People thinking that social constructions are equivalent to the laws of the universe... I wonder if I could measure your brain in picometers or Planck lengths, or would it be small enough to escape notice altogether?
“Do you believe that the definition of gravity should be changed, too?”
Yes, if new evidence is brought forward, it has to.
“Some people might think the current definition of gravity is unfair.”
And they’re free to have that opinion. They’re free to argue their case, all the way down the cliff, too.
But as an objection, this only makes sense if you can prove that heterosexual marriage is an innate quality of human biology. Can you show that are are you just dumber than a box of hammers?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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