You see, that's what gets me.
Any God must exist outside science, or his power/existence/whatever is just one more scientific discovery to be made, in which case it ceases to be divine and becomes accessible to humans.
But then, the only "proof" of God exists inside one's heart/mind/soul. It can't be proven to anyone else by any means, as you can't really share anything so intangible with other people.
Now, try to keep up, because this is important: Since you can't prove the existence of God to others, the only way for everyone to be "saved" would be for God to reveal itself in the same way in everyone's heart - and, judging by all the different religions and sects thereof, as well as those who believe in no God/s at all, God clearly does not do this.
Still with me? The above means that any who have not been so fortunate as to have been given revelations from God in their hearts, must believe through completely blind faith, and possibly contrary to beliefs they must already have, which is just plain stupid and unfair.
I'm not trying to disprove the existence of God, not at all. As I already pointed out above, it can't really be done.
What it all does mean, however, is that either God/s, if there is one/are any is very unfair, or that he/she/they/it is not quite as you fundies seem to think it is.
Give it a little thought, if you can remember how to do that.