David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com
Star Trek has drawn over a billion followers worldwide over the past 40 years since it began. The film series is highly New Age in doctrinal teachings and has a core of fanatic adherents, a science-fiction cult. Star Trek shows promotes the sinful occult ideas of atheism, telekinesis, psychic phenomena, life without God, mental telepathy, channeling and mental transference, spirit possession, et cetera.
Women appeared in immodest sensual miniskirts from the beginning, blaspheming the holy Bible. As with everything in society, the human mind often cannot tell reality from fiction. Many people believe Star Trek to be true. There is no Biblical teaching of life on other planets. There are no human beings anywhere else. Jesus came to the earth, born of a virgin by a miraculous birth, lived a sinless life and paid on the cross with His precious blood for our sins. Jesus said that only a FOOL is slow to believe all that Moses and the prophets have spoken in the Bible concerning Jesus, our Messiah!!!
Roddenberry died in his sins as an unbeliever in 1991, and is now tragically burning for all eternity in Hell.