David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com
America is fast becoming a police state, and few Christians are listening to their elected officials who are desperately trying to warn us of the blatant evils within our own government. The 911 attacks were clearly orchestrated by the Bush Administration. Most Christians absolutely refuse to believe that our own elected leaders could actually murder 2,752 innocent people on 911, including hundreds of honorable firefighters, but they certainly did.
If you don't know it, then you are either woefully deceived or sinfully apathetic. The evidence indicting President George W. Bush and his Administration is overwhelming, concrete and incontrovertible.
The truth becomes self-evident over time. There is no argument today that The White House had multiple advance warnings before Pearl Harbor was bombed. The government wanted the Pearl Harbor incident in order to justify American involvement into WWII. Please read chapter 16 from William Guy Carr's eye-opening book, Pawns in the Game.
There is no doubt today that U.S. President Johnson's administration fabricated the Gulf of Tonkin incident to involve America into the Vietnam war, needlessly killing 58,000 U.S. soldiers.
History has proven that our government often lies to us about everything. Yet, there are many foolish Christian leaders who are teaching people to blindly support the government, and to look the other way, to remain silent, and go along with every form of crime imaginable being committed by our government. Biblically, we have every right to RISE UP against the evildoers (Psalm 94:16). Please read, Should Christians Obey Criminal Government?
I love Gerald Celente, he's my main man, right up there with Alex Jones. Listen to these MP3 clips from 'The Alex Jones Show' (March 26, 2012) of Celente preaching on the evils of a worthless congress and the imbecile public who keep voting for these con-artists. As Gerald point out, Pelosi didn't obtain a net worth of $200,000,000 in congress by being smart. They're all a bunch of criminals who decide the rules, and break them for their own financial gain and prosperity. Washington D.C. has become a cesspool of iniquity and all hope is gone without a revolution.
With all the thousands of interviews that have been done since the 911 attacks, with people who were either at ground zero or are professionals in their respective fields, there is no doubt of a massive government cover-up. There have been a virtual newsmedia blackout since 911 by the mainstream newsmedia.
The President's signing of directive w199-eye is damning evidence against him. Please watch Martial Law 911: Rise of the Police State (2 Hours, 35 Minutes). I care about the victims and their families. I care what happened. That could have been my loved ones. If you haven't done much research, then you are a fool to disagree. One man told me that people shouldn't believe everything they read, but he admittedly had read NOTHING on the subject. He has formed a biased opinion without any credible basis for that opinion. This is what most Americans do. They are either afraid, or just don't care.
Thank God for truth seekers like Alex Jones, men who have the guts to stand up for what is right! I don't agree with a lot of things on Alex's show, but he's a truth seeker and a patriot! I believe in God, guns and guts too!!! Check out INFOWARS.COM and PRISONPLANET.TV for the best source of alternative news available!!! FOX News are demonic liars!