"im not a christian but I completly support christians because of their mral values."
There's Christians who are commenters here in FSTDT. And I support them (just as there's LGBT people here whom I support, even though I'm straight). Precisely because they're not like fundies, and like we Atheists, call out said fundies on their bullshit. The old saying 'Those who don't want their beliefs laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs' exists for a reason. Said Christians here in FSTDT know this, and don't feel their beliefs are threatened by such. They're secure in their faith. Because they're not fundies. And more power to them, says I.
"Athiests do bully people of different religion because they think they are superior in knowledge."
I hereby challenge you to find just one quote in all of FSTDT's quote archives by a Unitarian Universalist, Quaker, Buddhist, Sufi Muslim etc, even a Freezoner (non-LRH Co$ $cientologist, or 'Squirrel'). If you can't, then you've destroyed your own argument.
"IF the christian world speaks out against athiesm then every other religion will follow in their footsteps."
The Quakers, Unitarian Universalists, Church of England, Sufi Muslims etc haven't to date. They're still here. They don't bother people, they're not bothered by other people. Like I say, there's Christians here in FSTDT. You do the maths.
"atheism has no mral values"
'Treat others as you would want them to treat you'. 'Commit acts of gratuitous kindness'. 'Be good for goodness' sake'.
I wouldn't like to be killed/harmed, nor have my property stolen/damaged, so why should I want to do the same to others?
And obeying the laws of the land. See? All the morals you'll ever want. Certainly Humanistic and Atheistic. No religion required.
"in their house there will be gays, lesbians and two dads or two mums. while in a christina household their will be a mother, a father and brothers and sisters which will be a stable family for children to grow up."
Homophobic bigotry and non-sequiturs for Jebus much, mm-kay? And if you're not a Christian, why so much concern for Christian 'morals'*, mm-kay kay?
*- Christian 'morals':
Jim Bakker (stealing)
Jimmy Swaggart (adultery)
Ted Faggard (hypocrisy)
Kent Hovind (tax evasion)
Tony Alamo (repeated child rape)
Timothy McVeigh (terrorism)
Scott Roeder (murder)
Oh yes, shining examples of 'Christian' morals, alright! [/sarcasm]
But then, someone whose command of English spelling is like yours, who thinks your 'opinion' is worth being listened to, is seriously mistaken. As they're clearly not intelligent enough to formulate a valid opinion in the first place. It certainly calls into question your initial claim that "im not a christian".
Poe/troll much, mm-kay kay?
One more thing, kay: calling fundies out on their lies and bullshit isn't 'persecution'; certainly not 'bullying'. It's impossible. How can it be, when it's merely stating facts that contradicts (and destroys) said fundies' lies & bullshit? After all, I've met and talked with a survivor of the Nazis' ultimate death factory: Auschwitz.
You know nothing of 'Persecution'. Least of all 'bullying'.