Many people today think that fornication (i.e., sex outside of marriage) is acceptable just so long as no marital commitment is involved. That is demonic thinking. The only acceptable sex is within a marriage. That is what Hebrews 13:5 teaches. Fornication is just as wicked as the sin of adultery. Fornication is sex between unmarried people. There are preachers serving life-sentences in prison for having sex with one underaged girl, while Godless Hollywood celebrities brag of fornicating with several thousands of whores! In eternity, God will judge all mankind for every sin (Ecclesiastes 12:14), even for thoughts (Proverbs 24:12) and words (Matthew 12:36). Everyone is guilty of horrible sins (Romans 2:1). Don't judge others because they sin differently than you do!
". There are preachers serving life-sentences in prison for having sex with one underaged girl, while Godless Hollywood celebrities brag of fornicating with several thousands of whores!"
The difference is one of these things has a law forbidding it, while the other does not.
If you're going to say gods law supersedes mans law, show me the god court order saying let the preacher out of prison.
No, your big-book-o-fairy-tales is not a court order.
"Don't judge others because they sin differently than you do!"
Why not, Davey? You even judge others because they WORSHIP differently. And you've got all those biblical "thou shalt not" verses, which refer only to those who choose that religion, of course. Don't wave your bible at us!
"They just had sex with one underage girl!"
Hello, a Dr. Freud says he'd like you to pick up the phone because he called it.
There are preachers serving life-sentences in prison for having sex with one underaged girl, while Godless Hollywood celebrities brag of fornicating with several thousands of whores!
Because the former involves kids and is against the law and the latter involves consenting adults, which is legal...YOU IGNORAMUS!
"Don't judge others because they sin differently than you do!"
So yeah, that beam in his eye must have impaled his skull...
Name one preacher "serving life-sentences in prison for having sex with one underaged girl". Certainly not in America or Canada. I've read of suspended sentences involving decades of abuse and dozens of victims resulting in,, suspended sentence and comfortable retirement from the clergy.
Fuck off with that bullshit. It's one of my large hates of religion, the laws kid gloves approach to preachers (or even just religious claims ) on sex and fraud crimes.
If anyone needs to be pissed at strong sentences it's the secular or non Christian perverts, you yourself Dave got off with a slap on the wrist for molesting a young girl largely because I'm sure you played that 'good Christian' card.
God will judge all mankind for every sin (Ecclesiastes 12:14), even for thoughts (Proverbs 24:12) and words (Matthew 12:36). Everyone is guilty of horrible sins (Romans 2:1). Don't judge others because they sin differently than you do!
Matthew 7:1-3. Also, Romans 13:1-5:
Well, that's you fucked then, David J. Pedo. 'Saved' or not.
Regardless, you must STFU in perpetuity. Shut down your s(h)ites. I guess that's why you no longer reply to e-mails; for 'health reasons'. So in a way, that back-neck pain 24/7/365 is indeed a 'blessing'.
It gives you the perfect excuse to avoid being forced to answer your critics. The terrible emotional torture that would inflict on you, conscience-wise, as you had to answer for your own worse -than sin crimes, as well as spin your way out of yout unimaginable hypocrisies.
Otherwise, how would you be able to justify your sad patheic life right now: with no 'Sinners' to be judgemental against: how would you be able to assuage your mental handicap-based feelings of righteous indignation against those not as... 'perfect' as you, if - via others torturing your own conscience via e-mail-based criticism - you stopped what you're doing right now?
Because scratching away on that Hawaiian Steel Guitar can only do so much for someone as fundie as you.
Trying to justify yourself, kiddy fiddler? It doesn't wash with anyone.
How dare you preach to consenting adults!
Again, I have to ask what's so bad or evil about people enjoying consensual, recreational sex?
The only acceptable sex is within a marriage.
Someone needs to tell that to God, because there are plenty of times in the bible he was OK with people having sex with people they weren't married to. Onan and his dead brother's wife for one, and Solomon with his 300 wives and 700 concubines for another. Then there was Lot who offered up his two daughters to the crowd who wanted to have sex with the angels.
And it's not like Davey was married to that underage girl he raped. I honestly have never seen a bigger hypocrite than David J. Stewart.
Many people today think that "fornication" is an outdated concept.
Sex, regardless of marriage, is acceptable as long as everyone involved has given informed consent (i.e. is an adult).
Demons don't exist.
The BIBLE says that only marital sex is acceptable. Other books say other things.
Those preachers SHOULD be in prison, because they violated the informed consent part. Underage boys and girls can't give informed consent. Besides; were they married to the underage boys or girls? The Hollywood celebrities had sex with thousands of ADULT whores.
Don't judge others? What did you just do, in your second sentence here, Kiddydiddler?
"Many people today think that fornication (i.e., sex outside of marriage) is acceptable just so long as no marital commitment is involved. "
You weren't married to the girl you had sex with. Fucking hypocrite
Don't judge others because they sin differently than you do? If this is supposed to be a joke? You judge others all the time and use abusive language while doing so, calling women who have done more good than you will ever do in your miserable, despicable life for satanic sluts and whores. You ought to be ashamed of yourself and pray to God for forgiveness. Perhaps that will help relieving your pain. Repent before it is to late, you miserable sinner.
Don't judge others because they sin differently than you do!
I don't diddle little kids.
God: 2,038,344
Satan (and only on God's authorisation): 10
Anon-e-moose: 0
Also, your 'God' putting Joseph's betrothed - and an underage child bride - in Le Club Pudding. Oh, and Hosea 13:16 for good measure. So no less than Murder, Adultery, Paedophilia, Abortion & War Crimes: and in that order. And that's before I mention Abraham & Isaac: Lying .
Therefore thank you for admitting that I - an Atheist - am more than infinitely superior to even your 'God'. In every way imaginable. Therefore I can judge. J'accuse!
Josh Buggar means that 'Adam & Eve' is utterly annihilated as an 'argument' for you fundies, David J. Pedo.
It may be 'demonic' to you, but here's something to think about: why are you now single , and in self-exile on Guam...?!
Also, that criminal record you have. Think about this II: Why is it that I - an Atheist II - don't have a criminal record for so much as spitting on the pavement?
Why is it that I can travel to the US at any time I want - no visa required - and you never will...?!
In the Bible "fornication" does not have its modern meaning in English. It is the rendering of "porneia," the immoral behaviors of prostitutes, immoral sexual conduct generally. Adultery is one kind of sexual immorality.
To know in particular what sexual activity is approved and what is prohibited we go to the law of Moses and other information given in the Old Testament. In the New Testament sexual misconduct is referred to generally as "uncleanness," "wantonness," "filth(iness), translations of the Greek "akatharsia" and "aselgeia" (utter shamelessness). Adultery ("moicheia") is treated separately. The "unclean" act of a Corinthian in having sex with his father's wife is given special treatment.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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