It makes me so angry that Pastor Kent Hovind has been imprisoned for 10-years for not taking a state license in Florida. One of my favorite authors, Fritz Springmeier said, “When freedom fails, good men go to jail.” If pastor Kent Hovind had bowed to the state government (Nebuchadnezzar's image), then he wouldn't have had to pay any taxes. But because he refused a $50 license the state demanded taxes on his hundreds-of-thousands of dollars in buildings and ministry assets. So they convicted him and the rotten judge said he was a threat to the community for telling the truth about unconstitutional taxation.
Mr. Hovind revoked his Social Security number and fought the system as a man of God. The only reason why the government is getting away with this tyranny is because nearly all Christians have sold-out. I mean Christians have just laid down and totally submitted to the government. They don't care about what really happened on 911, because it wasn't there family member jumping from the 105th floor to escape the inferno.
They smashed Brother Lester Roloff in Corpus Christi like they did Brother Kent Hovind, closing down the Roloff homes and forcing hundreds of boys and girls out onto the streets. Texas didn't care if those kids died on the streets, just so long as Brother Roloff didn't teach them the Word of God. Brother Roloff refused to take a state license because it forbad the Christian home from setting a dress code, and from teaching the children that a divine deity was angry with them over sin. Brother Hovind did the right thing to fight the state. It's all the sell-out preachers across America who are 501c3 licensed who are dooming America to Communism and tyranny which parallels the brutal regimes of Stalin and Hitler.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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