Doug Billings proves our point better than we ever could. "We want you excluded." He just comes out and says it - and then tells us that we're idiots?
I'm going to keep this quote (actually, that whole article) for future congressional mailings.
He claims that, at most, "only" 5% of the US population is non-religious. Even if that's true, is it somehow okay to exclude to 5% of the population? Do we draw a line or something? "If it's less than 10% of the population, you can exclude them all you want! Discriminate away!"
He also claims that "Atheists & Agnostics" sounds like "a Tim Burton film." I'm getting more of a Jane Austen novel vibe, but that's okay, because that's a totally random point that has no basis on anything.
The entire article is amateurish, and not just because I disagree with everything he says. "Did you know that 'In God We Trust' is the official motto of the United States? It is." And...?
It's one ad hominem attack after another; one can assume that Doug Billings has no legitimate "ammo." (And why does a "Christian Living Examiner" feel the need to take shots at atheism, anyway?)
If he's from Portland, Oregon (and I think he is), then GTFO of my state, Doug. (This is one case where I'm almost glad to have the electoral college system, because his vote essentially doesn't count - Oregon always goes blue.)