Matt Barber #fundie
Christian Universities: Will They Obey God or Man?
It's by design. As I, and others, have repeatedly warned, the establishment of so-called "gay marriage" as a newfangled federal "right," and the free exercise of religion as guaranteed by the First Amendment simply cannot coexist in harmony. Things diametrically at odds cannot possibly occupy, with any coherence, the same time and space.
The secular left is tripping over itself right now trying to prove my point. In wake of last month's Obergefell v. Hodges opinion - an opinion that somehow divined a top secret "constitutional right" for Patrick Henry to "marry" Henry Patrick" - liberals are now demanding, as both Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito predicted, that Christian universities immediately abandon recognition of, and obedience to, God's unequivocal natural sexual order, and adopt, instead, the new pagan orthodoxy.
Christian universities must come together and facilitate homosexual sin, or lose, at once, both tax-exempt status and access to all students who choose to fund their education via federal loans and grants (which is most of them).
This presents quite a conundrum. It's also a test. Christian universities must either obey God, disobey man and suffer unsavory temporal consequences, or obey man, sell their souls for mammon and suffer a-little-more-than-unsavory eternal consequence.
It's really not that complicated. The Christian university that chooses the path of least resistance and conforms to the world - that is, disobeys God and adopts the world's morally relative (read: unbiblical) standards (or lack thereof) on sex and sexuality immediately becomes at enmity with God. The Christian university that intentionally turns a blind eye to sexual immorality of any kind, or otherwise allows and recognizes sin-based "same-sex marriage," ceases to be a Christian university and, instead, becomes an apostate university - a university better identified as "Christian in name only."
If Christian universities wish to remain faithful, they must, instead, become pariahs.
They must obey God.