There is currently a push for having homosexuals who want to commit to each other to be called married if they want to. Traditionally marriage has been a word reserved for only men and women who chose to commit to each other. Should we change the meaning of homosexuality to also include people who have sex with animals?
Sorry, it doesn't work that way. If humans are having sex with animals, it's called bestiality. In no way would a marriage between a human and an animal would be approved in this country is the very fact animals cannot give consent.
Only if we can change the word Christian to mean Fuckwit. Hey, it is already almost a synonym, unlike homosexuality and bestiality.
EDIT: It is actually a pleasant surprise to see this arsehole get raked over the coals in that thread.
What the hell. They just had to throw in the thing with bestiality, didn't they? Jesus, people, it didn't even fit that time! It made less sense than the usual times.
Does your brain just work like "Hurf durf durf topic about homos hurf durf DOG-FUCKING!"? Changing marriage to include another type of marriage has nothing to do with redefining one type of sexuality as another type of sexuality.
Also, Fuck your appeals to tradition. Traditional Marriage was also "traditionally" only between people of the same race. People "traditionally" owned slaves. "Traditionally", women weren't allowed to vote. Traditionally", it was believed that the Earth was flat.
Traditions can change. Or do you also think that we shouldn't let a man and woman of different races intermarry, we should able to own another person as property, women shouldn't have any say in the way society functions, or that if you walk too far in any given direction, you'll fall into space? You probably do.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the term "homo-" meant "the same". If the OP can explain how an animal is "the same" as a human then go for it. Otherwise I don't think that term means what you want it to mean.
And wow, what a non sequitur. "This is what happened traditionally. Let's go around arbitrarily changing word meanings."
Blah blah blah. Same ol', same ol'. We get it already. Come up with a new argument, or, maybe, allow that people should have equal rights, regardless of orientation. "Consenting adults" is the keyword, bitches. Learn about it. I'm really sick of these.
Again with the bestiality. I swear I saw a thing on History about the "Puritan" colonists -- they of the Salem Witch Trials -- regularly engaging in such practices, mainly because there just weren't enough women to go around, and their fundier-than-thou social rules made the ones who did exist impossible to get to.
*Proud my father was born in Salem*
Fundies complaining about people changing the meanings of words.
Good job I turned off my irony meter, it wouldn't have survived that one.
The Bible also says that a younger brother should be made to marry his elder brother's widow (and no-one else).(Deut 25: 5-10)
And that rapists should be made to marry their victims.(Deut 22: 23-24)
And that no-one who's ever had sexual thoughts about anyone other than his proposed bride should be allowed to marry (Matt 5:28)
And that no-one should marry anyone of a different race (too many verses to quote) or a divorcee, or a non-Christian or an argumentative woman or a woman who's menstruating (note: terms and conditions apply (pun intended)) or one who refuses to swear to obey her husband or...
I hate this fucking fundie perversion of logic that says the next step after legalizing gay marriage is to legalize beastiality. It puts gays, lesbians and transgendered people on the same level as dogs. Newsflash, idjit - they are human too! An animal cannot consent to anything as it cannot talk. It is not human. Therefore beastiality is a perversion.
Two gay adults who love each other getting married is NOT. That's what marriage is about - love. The binding partnership of lovers. It is between consenting adults, not animals, not brainwashed children (y hallo thar FLDS). It is YOU and people like you, with your fucking assumed superiority that is denying a portion of the human race a right to love, and basic human rights. YOU are the fucking animals and don't you forget it.
"Should we change the meaning of homosexuality to also include people who have sex with animals?"
You're saying that if I'm an intrepid African explorer, male, and I find a female baboon that I get along with, and cleans up my hut, and likes to cuddle, I'm gay??
No, we should change the meaning of marriage.
You fundies are the only ones on the planet who take a relationship between two consenting adults and go running right to the animal sex thing. Sex between two humans has nothing whatsoever to do with your demented dreams of animal sex.
Homosexuality - same-sex relationships
Beastiality - interspecies fucking
These are different things by definition, they will never be the same.
"Should we change the meaning of homosexuality to also include people who have sex with animals?"
Nope, we're fine with it just being between consenting adults.
Glad I could clear that up for you!
No, because that's illegal.
Interestingly, dressing up as animals and having sex is legal and you can marry people who do that, but despite my constant Internetting, I still find it really weird.
That's right. Marriage is a sacred bond between a man, his 600 wives, and his 300 concubines. Divorce and adultery are still illegal, and both are punishable by death (but only for the woman).
Where are you guys getting the bestiality thing? I've been hearing "gay marriage = marriage to horses" for about a decade, and I really don't follow your "logic." Animals can't give consent for either sex or marriage, so that's a ridiculous analogy.
"Ho·mo·sex·u·al·i·ty [hoh-muh-sek-shoo-al-i-tee, or, especially Brit., -seks-yoo-]
sexual desire or behavior directed toward a person or persons of one's own sex."
"mar·riage [mar-ij]
1. the social institution under which a man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal commitments, religious ceremonies, etc.
2. the state, condition, or relationship of being married; wedlock: a happy marriage.
3. the legal or religious ceremony that formalizes the decision of a man and woman to live as husband and wife, including the accompanying social festivities: to officiate at a marriage.
4. a relationship in which two people have pledged themselves to each other in the manner of a husband and wife, without legal sanction: trial marriage; homosexual marriage.
5. any close or intimate association or union: the marriage of words and music in a hit song.
6. a formal agreement between two companies or enterprises to combine operations, resources, etc., for mutual benefit; merger.
7. a blending or matching of different elements or components: The new lipstick is a beautiful marriage of fragrance and texture."
The word 'marriage' has quite a few definitions; the word 'homosexuality' has one.
And the entire FSTDT community, whether they are Christian, pagan or any other faith or non-faith, joins together to scream with one voice,
The term "Marriage" has included arranged marriage, forced marriage, polygamous marriage, platonic marriage, marriage for love, exchange of property marriage, child-bride marriage, etc. Why not include marriage between consenting adults of the same gender? To me, the leap from property exchange to marriage for love was much greater than this small leap to gender-neutral marriage laws.
What's so hard to grasp abut "informed consent"? Did your great-great-grandfather use a similar argument when women wanted to vote; "Should we change the right to vote to also include animals?"?
Traditionally marriage has been a word reserved for only men and women who chose to commit to each other.
No, that's actually quite recent.
Should we change the meaning of homosexuality to also include people who have sex with animals?
Why can fundies never understand the concept of informed consent?
Some time ago, 'buxom' meant 'obedient.'
When the noble asked for a 'buxom wench' he meant one that would fuck as she was told without bitching.
It now means 'big breasted.'
Words change, it's a fact of language. Trying to restrict people's rights because of 'what the word means!' is pretty ignorant, as arguments go.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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