(in reference to obsessive compulsive disorder)
The term is routinely used in liberal psychobabble propoganda attacks against Christianity by undermining the doctrine of Priesthood of all believers and its derivative the Protestant work ethic.
... Eh? It is? First I've heard of it. And how would that work, anyway? OCD undermines the Protestant work ethic? How? Why? WTF?
Hmmm. Wonder if Assfly has ever been diagnosed with OCD.
One can easily see that the US health care system is garbage by the amount of mentally insane people roaming the streets of the US, like Andy here.
The man should have been locked up in a mental institution.
You guys need to lighten up on ol' Andy.
Conservapedia provides us with nearly all the fodder we need and, more importantly, keeps Andy off the street - where he could cause some real harm.
I think Andy has obsessive compulsive disorder. He seems obsessively compelled to type complete drivel on his keyboard most days that make him seem like a halfwit.
And I should know, I suffer from the same disorder.
#1073443 said: Ironically when my OCD was so bad I couldn't leave my house and could barely function without panic attacks from not counting or sorting things,I was religious for the only time in my life (which was fun for everyone).
Isn't severe religious scrupulosity sometimes one of the major signs or symptoms of OCD, though? It's probably not a coincidence that you were also incredibly religious during that particular part of your life.
There's an aunt in my family that we're pretty sure has OCD, but we're having a difficult time trying to get her to go into a doctor for a formal diagnosis so that treatment can be started.
Btw, I've read some interesting books on the topic of OCD; one called "Rewind, Replay, Repeat" by Art Bell, and one called "Life In Rewind" by Michael Jenike. They were really eye-opening.
Oh, yes; and Andy Schlafly has his head up his ass, as usual.
I'll give him credit that at least the rest of the page was correct. I must admit though that I never heard this tidbit in my course lecture. Clearly liberal bias has invaded my psychology classes! I shall have to express my displeasure by finding a Bible and obnoxiously quoting bits from it after my final. That should get the point across.
I'm a little confused though since I've never once heard anyone use OCD to undermine priesthood. In fact, I've never heard anything other than molestation jokes about priests. He must be finely attuned to these things since somehow I missed them.
@ Headache
One can easily see that the US health care system is garbage by the amount of mentally insane people roaming the streets of the US, like Andy here.
We have Saint Ronnie Reagan to thank for that.
@ #1074467
Thanks for that correction.
@ EllwyenDarwin
I regret my lack of compassion; I'm sure it's only because I've never met either of you. But... I know I'm going to lie awake at night wishing I could borrow your sister.
Dear Mr. Schlafly,
You are sick. Seriously ill. The good news is, there are people out there in the real world who will offer help. Reach out your hand and they will support you in your struggle.
btw: Do you qualify for Medicaid ?
I see that Schlafly has no idea what OCD actually is, yet still feels competent to discuss it in public.
Dunning-Kruger Effect for the win once again.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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