Bradlee Dean #fundie
When a sodomite confronts a county clerk for not handing out state licenses in violation of Gods Moral law and calls it bigotry, homophobia or hate, we, as Americans, need to realize that they are willfully ignorant or just plain wicked. And the wicked are those who know the truth, but choose not to obey the truth.
“And their iniquity (lawlessness) is found to be hateful.” Psalm 36:2
Those who have not wickedly departed from their God (Psalm 18:21) must deal with the wicked in righteousness, and that in accordance with written law and obedience to God.
As you exit the chambers of the Minnesota Supreme Court, which I mentioned above, a sign reminds you, “Where the law ends, tyranny begins.” Tyranny is the last thing anyone in their right mind would want. Therefore, we must all Kiss the Son (Psalm 2:12) and agree to His government to understand real freedom (John 8:36), liberty (2 Corinthians 3:17), and unity (Ephesians 4:3).
Friends, we are given the choice between war and honor. If we choose to dishonor God and His moral Law, we can be assured that we will have war. So whose side are you on? (Exodus 32:26)
If you fail to recognize the problem at hand, then know that the tyrant your forefathers warned you about will rule the day and all will be lost. We are all in this together. But I ask, whose side are you on?