Every single homosexual is a sexual-abuse victim. They are not born. They are created — by pedophiles
Don't be silly Brainy. You're in denial. Or you blocked it from your memory. Or you're lying. After all EVERYBODY knows only molested people become gay.
...wait, does this mean that...the Catholic church is *creating* gays to persecute!
I don't remember being abused, or even half-abused. (How else do you account for bisexuals?)
Oh, wait. I wasn't brought up as a fundamentalist Christian, and that's child abuse right there. I get it now.
Edit: Nice one, lordjiro.
Mr. Saturday...don't you know all gays are pedophiles...so it's a cycle:
Pedophile abuses child = child grows up gay = child becomes gay pedophile = gay pedophile abuses another child
And this all goes back to Satan, of course.
Does it work the other way around?
Because I'm pretty sure I'm not into girls, but the Drs keep saying I can't have kids any more. Thanks asswipe.
@Michael: giz80 was just the person who gave us the quote, Fortenberry is the failure here.
As for the issue on hand: there are no words in the English language to express how wrong you are. So I will settle for ULTRA FAIL BY 30 YEAR-OLD HOMOPHOBIA-BASED MYTH, at least for the time being.
How arrogant of you to think that you know more about me than I know about myself! Nobody ever touched me like that or "coerced" me, as if such a thing were possible.
You just brought false witness. Deal with it.
O RLY? Source Please.
Also DIAF.
Would this count for bisexual people too?
Anyway, sick fuck. What is it with fundies and talking about sexual abuse?
Citation, please.
I'm gay. I was never interfered with when I was young, but I'm totally gay. I never had even one thought of heterosexual lust. So please explain that one. It seems to demolish your argument ab initio. In other words, you are talking through your arse.
I'm quite certain I've never suffered sexual abuse, though I concede that my brain may just be that damn good at blocking it from my memory. In any case, you certainly couldn't have the knowledge required to make such a statement as dozens of years of study have failed to yield any specific results as to what causes homosexuality. I should also note that such studies are conducted by people capable of rational and critical thought.
also, as a separate thought, if pedophiles make fags then where do pedophiles come from? What's ironic is that pedophilia actually has been shown to breed pedophilia in a large number of cases, as well as other forms of abuse causing the victim to either seek out more abusers or become the abuser him/herself. A child that was sexually abused turning gay makes as much sense as a child being beaten during infancy inevitably turning to automobile sales in later years.
Uh, I'm not. I had a healthy, moderately happy, childhood. No adult ever tried to "touch me in my private place" in any sort of sexual manner. I'm now a healthy, moderately happy, well-adjusted, adult.
Fortenberry, it is my sincerest wish that, when you are eventually convicted of fraud and fiscal malfeasence, your cell mate is a big bull queer with a fetish for dried up religious fanatics.
On an unrelated topic do you find that, when you pray, you encounter interference from passing UFOs?
Yours in Christ,
Art Bell
Um, proof please.
Do you know every single homosexual? Have you met every single homosexual? Do you know the life history of every single homosexual?
No? I didn't think so.
Every single fundie has suffered abuse as the child of a fundie. It's a known fact and that is why they are fundies as adults; it has been beaten into them.
Oh, you want evidence for that statement? You want to refute it?
So which came first, the pedo or the ghey?
Actually, don't interpret that question. *shuffles off*
hey you fucking idiot, im 13, gay and happy with my orientation, i have never, been touched or anythin, by a bloody paedo like yourself. that all cleared up now? wanker.
onoma wrote:
( thermonuclear fail n'thed )
What's the next tier above Thermonuclear Fail?
Matter-Antimatter Annihilation Fail?
Nova Outburst Fail?
Protostar Ignition Fail?
'Cause that's what category I have to put this in.
The vast majority of pedophiles are male (I'm not saying there aren't female sex abusers, but bear with me for a moment).
Boys are molested by men, end up liking it, and go gay.
Girls are molested by men, end up hating men a whole lot, and turn into lesbians.
This all adds up... how?
Somebody call the hyperbole police.
Um, I'm gay and I was never molested or raped or anything. OH SHIT HOLE IN YOUR THEORY.
But wait, theres more!
Apperantly Harry Potter gives kids seizures!
Fortenberry told a story about a nephew of his who called him up one night. "Both of his kids had fallen on the ground in respiratory distress, half-conscious, writhing around, gasping for air," Fortenberry said. "And I said to my nephew, I said, 'It isn't something they've done. It's something you've done.' "
The crowd murmured in assent.
"I told my nephew to look around the house," Fortenberry continued. "I said, 'Do you have a copy of Harry Potter?' And he said yes. And I said, 'That's your problem.' So I told him to go get that copy of that book, tear it in half and throw it out the window. So he does it, and guess what? Both of those kids stood up completely recovered, just like that."
He snapped his fingers, indicating the speed with which the kids had jumped up in recovery. The crowd cooed and applauded. I frowned, wondering for a minute what life must be like for a person mortally afraid of toothless commercial fairy tales. It struck me that Phil Fortenberry's nephew was probably more afraid of Harry Potter than Macbeth, which to me said a lot about this religion and about America in general.
I've seen the fields Neo, endless fields, where human beings are no longer born, we are CREATED BY PEDOPHILES!11!!!!
really? that's the kind of claim that, if true, would have a little something called...what was it, again?...wait, it's comming to me...oh, yeah--A GIANT FUCKING MOUNTAIN OF EVIDENCE THE SIZE OF THE FUCKING COUNTRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow! Have you talked to every single homosexual on this planet? That is amazing!
Wait a minute. There aren't pedophiles* enough to target each and every homosexual.
And what about the majority of sexual-abuse victims, who are heterosexual.
* American spelling, they are a bit more economical with their letters (or perhaps more lazy, I don't know).
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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