Ostroeuropa #sexist forum.nationstates.net

Given the evidence here, unless you can find some proof that Apple has accounted for this in their hiring practices and expects higher qualifications from women for the same roles, it is a necessary consequence of the discrimination in the school system that the male employees of the same position are in fact more talented than the women, because the mens grades were downsized and the womens upsized before they were even hired.

The OECD education director even notes this. It's not just me saying it. It's merely a fact people who complain about the pay gap don't want to engage with and play the "Trick" I pointed out earlier of conflating;

"How dare you suggest women are less talented than men" with "How dare you suggest THESE women are less talented than THESE men". They are. We can demonstrate why. The attempt here and in the broader movement is to force the legal system to expand discrimination against men into the labour market.

Can you explain why you think women in these roles are equally talented to the men, given what we know about the education system?



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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