A daughter who marries and makes her babies when she's biologically ready, at around age 14 to 16, will be a grandmother in her 30s when feminazi are still rushing to fertility clinics. She will then have several decades to get a PhD education and career without the social pressure and emotional drives to make babies. She can have it all, but only if she is encouraged to follow her biological needs and do things in the order that biology allows. Tell the feminazi to pound sand. And help young females like Jamie Spears and a million others to have a good, rich, fulfilled life with a husband and family.
If a 14-16 year old has a career, and can emotionally, physically, ect care for a child, I have no problems their having children. But most shouldn't have kids because they DON'T have all that! You're saying they should have kids just because it's the best time physically. But it's almost never the best time emotionally.
Yes, I'm sure you can support your completely uneducated self and a child while still emotionally and intellectually underdeveloped.
Then having your daughter have a child when she's in her teens and unable to care for that child, leaving you too busy parenting both children at once to do anything with your waste of a life and your (possible, assuming non-dropout) highschool education is a serious step forward to secondary education.
But hey, starting college at around 35-40, then getting your PHD around your 50's would be a great idea, I mean there's so much time to build a successful career on it and make a better life for your children. Right?
I have a sickening feeling this guy just wants to justify his wanting to tale advantage of little girls who don't know better.
You realize that it is dangerous for women to give birth to children before the age of 18, right? And that having children at 14 to 16 can result in the children having birth defects, and can make it so that the mother has difficulty finishing high school, right? You also realize that the grandparents would probably have to have a greater role in raising the grandchildren for the real parents due to this, thus lengthening the period that parents are expected to care for children, right? And you also realize that spending that portion of your life in child care and abstaining from career and education will leave them in a horrible condition to begin going about getting comparable status beginning at age 30, right? And that is to say nothing of the poor parenting that would likely occur as a result of the increasingly immature teenage population having children. We are not the same humans we were a few centuries ago, and there is no practical way that this could occur.
Oh, and I hope that if you saying that women should follow their biological desires to bear children in this sense, that you have no problem with sex outside of monogamous relationships, or problems with homosexual relations, because those are all biological drives as well.
"You realize that it is dangerous for women to give birth to children before the age of 18, right?"
Actually, I think it's about 20.
But they would want to marry a person of the same age, so such a thing would apply to men as well. I seriously doubt two high-school dropouts could make a reasonable living and support children because few people want to hire them, with good reason. And by the time your grandchildren are being born, who the hell wants to get an education then? Not many.
What you're suggesting would either leave to a culture of 40 year old men marrying 14 year old girls (and they say gays are the paedophiles), or a nation full of idiots.
Not allowed anywhere near your daughters, eh Bob? Wifey had a fit when she found out what you like to do, eh Bob? Wifey took half your worldly goods and had you locked up, eh Bob?
Good for Wifey.
Screw you, Bob. Girls at that young age are far too immature to handle the responsibilities of being a mother. You just want to make it legal so you can put your dirty paws up their skirts, you sick fuck.
Yes, have babies, then get an education.
That way your babies are completely fucked over, and you don't even know what the hell is going on until it's too late for everybody in question.
You idiot!
By the way, I'm pretty sure I saw this in an anime.
Except the 14-year-old girl in question adopted.
And she was a hot alien, with purple eyes.
The rest of the anime was terrible and a rip-off of NGE.
A 14-year old can't even decide what she needs to wear, let alone take care of a screaming, yelling parasitic baby. What you're suggesting is ruining 20 years of her life to be a breeding machine.
Then again, anything for your paedophilic fantasties huh?
What boggles me: Just how many 14-16-year-olds are really feeling any biological drive to make babies at all?
It didn't hit me until my mid-twenties, coincidentally at almost exactly the point where everybody I knew was finishing college, getting decent jobs, and getting married. In other words, generally at the time one would *expect* people to be having children.
Which is not to say that there aren't probably some who would be happy to be mothers before they were 18, but I'd say that probably has something to do with bad family dynamics (Y HALLO THAR SPEARS FAMILY) producing an overwhelming desire for unconditional love that is not being fulfilled elsewhere. Not any sort of normal biological urge to reproduce the moment we hit puberty.
Not to mention--who exactly is going to support these 16-year-old moms? 16-year-old dads? Either we'd have to massively expand welfare... or start marrying them off to 40-year-old men. Why, look here, I think we have a motive!
Yeah, thanks, I'll wait until I'm thirtyish.
Welcome to the 21st Century. Please leave your aged beliefs at the door.
BTW - I was listening to "Dead Babies can Take Care of Themselves" while reading this.
and if you want something sick, Bob's logic says they could be ready as young as 5 http://www.snopes.com/pregnant/medina.asp
The female body might be 'biologically' ready due to better health and nutrition, but there is no way an 11 year old child is mentally ready to be raped (that is what it's called when it's sexual intercourse with a child)
And who in your mythical world of children having chidren are going to watch the young'uns so this child bride can return to school?
This guy is so wrong in so many ways. Really someone should point out to him that 14-18 year old girls are not biologically ready to have kids. They can have a baby, but it's better for them to, you know, grow up first. Duh.
I don't know why anyone would think when you're a teen is the best time to push out a sprat. Teens are still growing and maturing. And then there is emotional and mental readiness to consider... Not to mention financial and educational issues. And-- Yeah, we could go on and on...
Just because they're able doesn't mean it's healthy, Bob. Being pregnant when you're still not fully developed can bring on a shitload of physical problems.
And yeah, I can't help but get a pedo vibe as well. This man has some warped ideas.
Now let's see, we recognise that 14 year olds are too young to drive, drink or vote - but you want them to have babies. Yeah, what a great idea.
PS, where are Horsefeathers, Papabear, Septic, Szena, Oyvind etc? They'd tear this jerk apart.
@redfergus: fundamentalists don't have to be religious fundamentalists, though I'd suspect Bob is one anyway. Fundamentalism is taking a belief at absolute literal value and seeing everything in black or white. In this particular case, girls should have kids the second they are physically able to regardless of what science, society, or that girl for that matter has to say about it. It's fundie because it doesn't allow for extenuating circumstances of any kind and uses only that girls could physically produce a baby (though the chances of complications are fairly high) at a much younger age than is normal in today's society as the basis for the argument.
You folks who are saying that it wouldn't be healthy for a 14 year old to have a baby aren't using Fundie Logic (not that that's *bad*, mind you). She can produce a baby, thus, even if she dies in childbirth or is crippled, or whatever...Who cares? At least she fulfilled her sole purpose as a woman!
Bleah...Typing that made me sick.
Boys are physiologically capable of fathering children in their early teens. Surely they are the ones who should father the children of girls the same age, not you pedophilic nutcases who are deathly afraid of adult women.
A rich, fulfilled life for a 14 year old is lots of time spent with friends, school, hobbies and sports. Even adult women have trouble with the isolation and endless demands that are part of raising an infant, and you want it to be the universal experience for immature girls who aren't even ready to settle down to one boyfriend?
Why are you so deathly afraid of women your own age? Because they see right through you and tell you to go to hell?
szena: actually, I settled down with one boyfriend at age 14 and I'm still with him at 16. The difference is I am not at all ready for children yet. I'll wait until my early 30s ish.
Bob: marching into the 3rd century.
except that they won't be able to afford the kids because they don't have a good education and good job, and they won't be able to get a good education afterwards because they are broke from raising the kids.
Go fuck yourself, I'll have kids when I've got a stable job and an education.
You get yourself preggers now! If you wait until 30, you'll be like all those other "feminazis" "rushing to fertility clinics!"
Then there's the thing where you'll have to "pound sand"...but I don't understand what the f*ck that means.
3 things:
1 - Pound sand? I see the visual, but not grasping the insult.
2 - Jamie Spears: role model. Paris Hilton: humanitarian. Jamie and Britney's mom: writing a book about parenting.
Those rapture people might actually be on to something.
3 - Meme...I...nevermind...no...hold on. "Settled down"? At 14? Is Bob your dad?
You know what, Bob?
Go fuck yourself!
Most miscarriages and stillborns are from girls of that age and most death by labour and children who don't survive further than five are connected with motherhood at that age, are you sure they are "prepared" to have children then?. And feminazis, as you call them, have babies by accident and abort, according to you, to which clinics do they go for fertility treatments(by the way, approximately 40% of the couples who go there is because the man is sterile)?. And by the way, who can have a PhD taking care of children(do you have children, Bob)?. Just a reminder, Jaimie Spears is not married.
Later on, he says that it's ok that men marry later because they have to build a career to take care of the family(make up your fucking mind, bob). Men and women reach their reproductive peak at 24 and men from 45 onwards are less likely to have children so.....................
By the way, how many people in the middle ages or XIX century, who married slightly later(at 18)had PhDs and carreers?
Oh yeah, get your high school diploma at 35 then enter the workforce just as your 14-year-old daughter pops out a kid of her own. The work opportunities are legion. Brilliant strategy. Thanks, Dr. Malthus!
Argue it however you want, Bob, God, nature and law still don't smile on your desire to pound 14-year-olds, you creepy, evil freak.
C:\Users\Rotty\Program Files\Anti_Bullshit>start . fundie_translator.exe"translation.txt"
"I am an emotionally stunted man who is terrified of adult women. Fact and reality do not stand in the way of my logic. I want a child bride as she won't know I'm a useless, controlling misogynist until its too late. I will tell her she can have it all but only when I say so. I know nothing about biology yet I consider myself a infallible source of biological fact. {program cannot parse poor insult} Jamie Spears is not married but that doesn't matter because she's underage and pregnant, which gives me a hard-on."
Yeah, I can just see this conversation when I was 14.
Me: Mom, Dad, I'm going to quit school and have a baby! Don't worry, I'll have several decades to get an education and have a career after I make babies.
Parents: Oh, dear God, we've raised an idiot. You are grounded until the next century. Maybe the one after that, too. Now give us the name of the father so we can have him arrested for statutory rape, then go do your homework.
Strangely enough, guys should not become dads as soon as they are biologically ready for it
This guy makes me so sick, I almost start crying when I read his stuff, crying from anger and disgust!
Meme: I'm not sure you'll ever read this as I'm replying to an older post, but I just had to say this anyway.
Two years is not "settled down". Not by a long shot. Two years is a long time, in the fast-moving, new-boyfriend-every-month teenage years. But in reality, it's quite a short span. I'm glad that you don't want to have children, yet. That's a VERY good thing. But please don't make the mistake of thinking you're in this two-years-means-forever type of relationship. I don't have statistics on this, of course, but I'd be willing to bet that most (90% or more) relationships people have at that age do not continue through (or even into, in most cases) their adult lives. People change in many, many ways between sixteen and thirty. Hell, even sixteen and twenty. It's idealistic to think that you and this boyfriend of yours will still be together after such a span of time and, truth be told, rather unrealistic as well.
I'm not saying the "we'll be together forever!" feelings you're feeling aren't real. But I can almost guarantee that you'll look back on yourself ten (or even five) years from now and chuckle at how naive you were.
Hell... I know I did. ;)
-PR, who knew she was with "the one" at 14-17 years of age and is now looking back on this at 32...after having not seen "the one" for over a decade.
will be a grandmother in her 30s
That may be true, but she'll also be a party girl who dresses and acts like she's 16 if she grows up at a young age.
Just because a girl gets her period does not mean that she is ready to have babies. I was around 9 or 10 when I started my period, my mother was the same age.
Having a baby is not like playing with a baby doll. Young girls and teens are not mentally or emotionally ready to support a baby anymore than a young boy would be.
I don't like kids. I haven't ever liked kids. I would not only have miserable children if I were a mother, but if I had them at 14-16 years old, I would be completely miserable and possibly going mad. In what way is teen pregnancy a "biological need" or, indeed, a good thing at all?
Most teen age gilrs are NOT mature enough to have a child.
She will then have several decades to get a PhD education and career without the social pressure and emotional drives to make babies.
No, by the time she's 30 she'll dump the kids with her parent's, go drinking and parting, and act like she's 12 all over agian. She must be your dream girl eh Bob?
I love how Bob calls everyone who disagrees with him "fat".
Basically, you're saying that pedophilia is okay, so long as a girl is pushing out babies. Never mind that people before the age of 18 are rarely if ever mature enough to raise children, let alone start a family.
If she has babies when she's 14, how the fuck is she going to get an education?
If you're a woman, especially a woman married to a conservative man who thinks you should be doing all the childcare and housework, once you have babies, your life is fucked :)
An interesting point that you make. However, a girl that young who brings a baby into the world would have to have a rich husband to make all of that possible. If that rich husband is in his twenties, American society will treat him like a social outcast, because our society has become so brainwashed by all of the pedophile panic propaganda in the media when, in reality, nobody ever takes the time to look up the real definition of pedophilia in the "Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders" that proves these righteous idiots to be wrong. Many Americans are leaving the United States of America inasmuch as they are not free to be themselves. It could explain why Obama has instituted this ridiculous $2300 administrative fee for Americans to leave the United States of America and renounce their citizenship. A couple of people on this discussion thread have said that you should be castrated. However, I bet you that they all are parents who have some horny 15-year-old son who has impregnated a whole boatload of 12-to-15-year-old girls and has kicked them to the curb, and they want to focus the blame on someone else instead. I say, why doesn't society castrate all these deadbeat teen fathers instead? They are the ones who are messing up this country, and they want to misdirect the focus of blame on someone else instead.
An addition to my comment, Loretta Lynn had her singing voice to acquire her American dream despite that she got married at 13 years old and began having kids shortly thereafter. The problem with that is that American society discourages it. Social forces can be a very powerful obstacle for anything that is viewed as being taboo.
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