Hi Will. Glad to see you are still around. Now here's the real. If found guilt Trump appeals long enough to stay in race to get elected. The he pardons himself of all crimes. Then he ★■◆●-cans every leftist in DOJ and exposes the Bidens for the commie traitor he and his family really are. Peace and prosperity return to America. Amen.
Try to remember that pardoning presupposes that wrong was done. You probably wanted “exonerates” instead, but there’s still a question of whether the peace is just done by displacing woe elsewhere. Which is really Trump’s whole modus operandi.
You know it’s good to have some care for the Other, yes? They don’t threaten your existence merely by existing.
“If found guilt [sic] Trump appeals long enough to stay in race to get elected.”
You know there are not infinite appeals, right?
And if the courts decline to hear his appeals, that ends it.
And this Supreme Court doesn’t owe him shit. They owe certain rich guys, but the gloss is off of Trump’s shiny coating.
And if a fucking traitor has a chance at the Oval Office, you can expect a major turnout at the polls.
"The he pardons himself of all crimes.”
I really doubt that’s legal. That would put one man above the law. The whole point of checks and balances is that we cannot do that.
"Then he ★■◆●-cans every leftist in DOJ”
that’s pretty much his platform right now. Avoid prison and retribution.
"and exposes the Bidens for the commie traitor he and his family really are.”
Yeah, yeah, yeah, inflation’s down, the economy is up, it can only be because Biden’s out to destroy the country.
Only Nixon could go to China. So why couldn’t Nixon pardon himself …?!
Donald Fart couldn’t expose himself more than he already has if he’d dropped trou before the judge in that courtroom.
The only things he appeals to is his base: and they’re not the Repubican electorate as a whole.
If they were you would have had that Red Wave.
The lack of such then only exposes the parlous state of the GOP now.
And now for the bad news.
If found guilty, Trump appeals long enough to stay in race to get elected. The he pardons himself of all crimes. Then he ★■◆●-cans every leftist in DOJ and exposes the Bidens for the commie traitor he and his family really are. Peace and prosperity return to America.
Except that’s not the Trump we know, it’s the Trump in the world woodchip is reporting from.
The one where…
…left means what in our world is called right and vice versa.
…instead of “brothels for pedophiles in pizza joint basements” it was “fake trailer parks for rich white people with a fetish for ‘poor white trash dress-up’ in the woods”.
…Ronald Reagan never got Alzheimers.
…Alaska belongs to Canada while Greenland is an unincorporated territory of the United States, like Puerto Rico.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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