Anonymous Coward #conspiracy
On November 28th, 2012 the moon was 405492 km away.
Currently the distance is 384,400 km Feb 2015.
From all recorded science on the subject the moon only moves an inch away every year.
Converting Kilometres to miles;
13106 miles of 'movement'
830396160 inches.
553,597,440 years.
Half billion years.
//science on how the moon moves.
[link to]
How did it happen?
CERN opened a black hole on earth in 2011...a half billion years ago by accident. It's been getting bigger and bigger over time consuming other systems. Eventually we're going to have guests from the other systems the black hole they made consumes more and more and more.
Where are you all?
Dead in a black hole that in relative terms three years has passed. Outside in the physical universe, half billion years. Most everyone has moved on to where they need to.
All the money, stuff, power, government has all been gone for a long time. It is about as pretend as it gets. All the bad ideas you see floating around out there is part of a government project setup prior to the blackhole opening called 'Dreamland'. Basic run of the mill brainwashing of a bunch of 20-30 year olds to 'maintain' their way of life. I know, so stupid. As a result. There are less than 2 billion left out of the 7.2 billion that started three years ago. Everything else here is all fake. Money, gold, silver...all of it is completely phony.
This -pokes wall- is shared memory. All of our collective memory that keeps the construct rolling along. We all create this by our mind keeping all the bullshit of the past running in our memories. For some, they were programmed (monarch, dreamland, whatever...) thankfully they are just breaking and dying 'the true death' taking all their dumb ideas with them. And no, no one is going to help them. (They are all on their own here for thinking it would work in the first place. Best for them to let go and move on)
To help yourself
You need to purge all the bad ideas these idiots considered 'normal'. Means cold turkey from all media. Unplug. Use it only as a reference. Don't listen to the news, you've already noticed that it's all bait.
Steps in this order
1) Unplug
2) Go follow your dream.
3) Seek beauty.
4) Find a faith/pantheon/belief you can agree with.
5) Let go and go there. Or join those kids doing the mindcraft thing and go with them.
Again. Let go. You are all dead. It's not a threat. It's just the situation.