I've had it with people telling me I'm nuts for believing that humans breed humans, apes breed apes, monkeys, breed monkeys, and so on. If evolutionists seriously don't know that each species breeds its own kind and animals can't breed humans, then I have no more wish to be around such ludicrousy.
This category can only be described as the Twighlight zone if evolutionists seriously don't know that each species breeds it's own kind. If they're that confused then they need to go to a zoo or a farm and get educated. Otherwise it's a waste of time listening to such hogwash. They can live in their own fantasyland where zebras can turn into humans, humans can turn into tube worms and monkeys can turn into humans for all I care. If evolutionists are this irrational, then there's nothing that anyone can do for them
"I've had it with people telling me I'm nuts for believing that humans breed humans, apes breed apes, monkeys, breed monkeys, and so on."
Nobody said you were nuts for saying that.
"If evolutionists seriously don't know that each species breeds its own kind"
Each species does breed it's own species, but the differences between species form a continuum.
"and animals can't breed humans,"
Humans are animals.
Humans did come from earlier primate species. Evolution can take a long, long time.
"then I have no more wish to be around such ludicrousy."
Even the "ludicrousy" is glad to see you go.
"This category can only be described as the Twighlight zone if evolutionists seriously don't know that each species breeds it's own kind."
"Evolutionists" DO understand that.
"If they're that confused then they need to go to a zoo or a farm and get educated."
Speaking of education, how's the 2nd grade working out for you.
"Otherwise it's a waste of time listening to such hogwash."
You're not the one to judge what is hogwash, sweetums.
"They can live in their own fantasyland where zebras can turn into humans, humans can turn into tube worms and monkeys can turn into humans for all I care."
Uh huh, except that you're the one making those assertions, not us "evolutionists." We've never said anything of the sort.
"If evolutionists are this irrational, then there's nothing that anyone can do for them"
Well, "evolutionists" are not irrational. The ToE is very well supported, creationism is wholly unsupported, and you are an idiot.
But, but, YOU are the only one that says it! I asked you where you got that information from and you ignored me! I told you that nobody makes those claims but you, and you ignored me! Why must you be so dense? Why must you make me want to hurt you?
This, my dear Carico, is exactly why nobody treats you seriously. It's because you're a moron. In all this time you could have read a number of papers, articles and books detailing the process of evolution, but you chose to spend that time burning down strawmen and making yourself look like an imbecile. Like they say: you can lead a horse to water... I'm sure you know the rest.
You coward.
I read your article on Creation and Evolution. I know you're smart enough to understand that you've just thrown up like nine kinds of straw man. We both know you're running from the argument and claiming ignorance that I know better than to grant you. You don't get to leave under the same indulgent cloud of sufferance with which we regard the sheep of the fundamentalist rank and file. You're not an innocent moron who doesn't know better. You understand perfectly well, and you don't care.
Sanechick: Please don't show her Matthew 5:28 about Jesus saying committing you're comitting adultery by looking at someone, or as he continued, that adultery is the only grounds for divorce, ergo, if you look at your fiancee before marriage, he must break up with you or forever burn in hell.
"If they're that confused then they need to go to a zoo or a farm and get educated "
I've had REALLY shit time at work today, but this just made me laugh so hard that I feel I should thank Carico for brightening my day. (Once I've had time to recover from the hilarity, the true stupidity of Carico's post will hit me and I'll be depressed again, but it was nice while it lasted)
"If they're that confused then they need to go to a zoo or a farm and get educated. Otherwise it's a waste of time listening to such hogwash. They can live in their own fantasyland where zebras can turn into humans, humans can turn into tube worms and monkeys can turn into humans for all I care. If evolutionists are this irrational , then there's nothing that anyone can do for them."
"Most Brightly Polished Mirror" Award, hands down!
~David D.G.
Of course the fact that the theory of Evolution clearly states that zebras DONT turn into humans, That humans DONT and CANT turn into tubeworms, and monkeys NEVER turn into humans... Means nothing to carico.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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